Subject: 🔵 Fine. I'll build it FOR you (f.ree). Here's why

A 100% done for you business in a box is finally coming to you from me - here's why

It's FINALLY happened, and I am so excited!

And also super duper motivated to build something fantastic.

So, what happened?

My children, and even my wife are finally wanting to build their own affiIiate business online.

Until now, they really have just let me do my thing, and I'd nudge them here and there to let them know they could do it to if they wanted to.

But, here's the deal.With pretty much my entire family on board and wanting to build something...

I am wanting to launch a LEGACY project.

Something that they can step into and use right now.

Plus, benefit from for years and years and years.

So, a project that has been living in my brain since I scraped the original 30MWD project is finally coming to life.

A completely done for you affiIiate business.

Sites done.

Follow up done.

Content done.

LONG TERM lncome streams and lncome "tools" built in.

Literally your (and the fams) only job will be to get people to the pages.

And of course I will have done for you options there too.

All with full training on the inside that will show you how to build whatever you want online as well.

If you ever choose to.

Anyway... I just wanted to give you a heads up and let you know that if you're tired of jumping around and not having the results you want to...

Help is on the way.

I'm building this as a legacy family thing, but you'll get to benefit big time.

And, here's the coolest part.

Whatever I build will be completely f.ree.

A couple of things I ask from you...

1. Let me know what you feel like is your biggest need, or biggest area that you need help in so I can be sure to build it into the system.

2. Let me know how excited you are.

Send me a reply with some feedback on both of those things, and I will do everything I can to make this perfect for you.

Thank you!

Back to the lab for me, but I will check in tonight to see all the ways I can best help you.

Nick Bramble

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