Subject: 🔵 Finally. It's lunch time

Is lunch your favorite time f the day because you get to escape from the nonsense for a few minutes?

I know your boss maybe just gave you a brief moment for some allowed feeding time...

But if you want to see what it's like to love what you do, and who you do it with...

Check this out really quickly...

And Nick also said...

Do me a favor and pay attention to the words like...






Heart centered.



Are those words right now that you would use to describe the people you work for and with?

Those are all of the words Nick used in just one post in our community group.

Truth is, we get it all the time.

I don't know your situation, but if you're finding yourself in a place that doesn't care about you.

Working with people you're not the least bit connected with.

Doing work that doesn't move you closer to your dreams.

Maybe it's time for a change.

I'm so grateful that Nick and thousands of others like him (like you), saw the heart of this amazing community and trusted enough in what we are doing to help people create dream lives...

That they decided to get started and build a long term, stable future with us.

I feel blessed every single day to do what I do.

And to hang out with the amazing people I get to hang out with.

Life is too short, and WAY too important to spend it any other way.

Am I right?

Thanks for taking some of your valuable free time (maybe even your allowed feeding time) to read this today.

I'm grateful for you too, and would love to help you build whatever dream life is living in your head and heart.

Reach out anytime if you think I might be able to help.

If you've got another second, and want to see and hear some of our community give raw, unfiltered feedback of their experience here...

Feel free to watch this quick emotionally charged member experience video.

Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday, Friend.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


P.S. You can text me using the number above, email me anytime by hitting reply, or catch up with me on any of the channels below.

I get back to ALL messages, and I really do love to hear from you.

Reach out anytime.


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