Subject: 🔵 Fear buying. You doing it too?

Do you want find yourself a little bored of the hype...

And manipulations.

And timers.

And fear tactics of this yearly "BIack Friday" and "Cyber Monday" marketing frenzy?

Me too.

For me, I think there are two things going on.

One is that... the way I want to build my business is around creating transformations for people.

Not just on getting a transaction on somebody and letting them be one of the 83% of more who never even log into the things they buy.

Yep... at least 83% of everyone who buys your stuff never even opens it.

It's crazy, and it's not your fault, but it's true.

For me, knowing that, makes me want to work harder to not just take somebody's money.

But, to make sure they want what I have by not fearing them into it...

And then by helping them once they do get it, to do what they need to.

So they can get the transformations they're seeking.

But more importantly, what has been speaking to me pretty loudly lately is Ephesians 2.

Which to summarize says that God gave us Jesus to take us out of living in the ways of the world that tell us to focus on greed...

And self.

And to be ruled by our every thought (that was placed there most likely by society).

Especially today when we are mind controlled more than ever by the device you're probably reading this on.

But God seated us WITH Jesus.

To have higher thoughts.

To be moved by the Spirit of love , not fear.

And to do higher works.

What's been screaming at me for weeks that I just now went and re-studied is Ephesians 2:10.

Side Note: Sometimes I ask God to give me wisdom and I actually get it immediately.

Then I ask for 3 more weeks until I finally do the thing He said to in the first place.

This time it was read Ephesians 2:10.

Anyway, so I finally got back to it last night.

And that piece of scripture is beautiful.

And empowering.

And lays it all out pretty clearly.

We are God's masterpiece.

How awesome is that by the way.

Look around you at all of the beautiful and fantastic things that are in creation.

And YOU and I are the masterpieces!

I love that.

We are created as masterpieces in Jesus, to do GOOD works.

And good can be a lot of things.

What's amazing about that is that it means you don't have to get hung up on specifically WHAT to do if you are struggling for direction right now.

Just do GOOD!

So, when I look at marketing that focuses on fear.

And Hype.

And manipulations.

And that pulls people's thoughts away from these wonderful times of family and giving.

And tries to aim our focus onto greed and accumulation just for accumulations sake...

To me, none of those things are good.

Being seated with Jesus.

Knowing I am THE masterpiece out of all of the other wonderful things God created.

I feel a greater responsibility these days to do the good that God set before me in advance to do.

For me, that means to give you the best chance to have the transformations you need.

Allowing you to become who God created you to be.

So, I have aligned with a community that ALWAYS gives you the absolute best deal we can.

I have aligned with a community who puts love and service above transactional sales.

Meaning we work WITH you daily and personally to help you.

Not make you buy now and then forget you.

And then brag about how much we took in during the sale later.

It means we build a business and a culture that has built into it giving.

Which has resulted in almost 200,000 DAYS worth of meals being provided to starving children (and counting).

It means that we are accumulating great weaIth in order to do good with it in the world.

Jesus came so we could have life, and live it abundantly.

But, not at the sake of others.

Because again... is that DOING good?

So, this is where I find myself in these season of buying frenzy.

Yes, I want to work with you.

Yes, I want to work for you.

Yes, I want you to get the tools, and products, and services you need.

So you can have the transformations you need to have...

To be the change in the world that God created you to be.

Not at any cost, though.

Not using the fear, and manipulations, and greed producing tactics of the world.

But instead by acting like the masterpiece that God has created me as...

And doing GOOD works like God set before me in advance to do.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. If you want to work with me, and the community I have partnered with to do more, have more, be more, and give more...

Just text me at the number above and I will get back with you.

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