Subject: 🔵 FaceBook cancelled - Is this your warning?

Oh goodness. So many people are going to be freaking out all over the world.

FaceBook just got cancelled all across the globe.

Not for good, I'm sure...

But, it does highlight why you shouldn't build your business on somebody else's platform.

This year, I actually started to move all of my stuff to my own platform.

I even started my own social platform here if you want to see it.

A couple of key reasons why...

1.  If I build somewhere else, somebody else basically owns my business.

That's risky.

2. If I build somewhere else, somebody else can tell me what I can and can't say and filter my content.

That's risky and borderline illegal.

And the filtering on most of these platforms (mainly FB) is so incredibly stupid that even the people who want to see your stuff... don't.

I just heard another story of an incredibly successful company who is beloved by their following of over 1 miIIion people.

They went live and their content was shown to 50 people.

Seriously... 50???

That's just crazy.

I'm sure more than 50 of those over 1 miIIion wanted to see the content.

But, FB got to decide.

And they decided 50.

3.  If I build somewhere else, the people that I bring there are constantly and purposely pulled away from my content. 

They are bombarded by ads, and dancing cats, and beep and boops meant to keep the scroll moving.

I could probably make this email a list of 1,000 things.

Bottom line is this...

If you build your business on a platform you don't control, you're taking a HUGE risk.

In the very least, make sure that the audience you're building on another platform, gets an immediate chance to get onto your list.

Because you own your list, forever.

And if you're like me and you want to build a business that's totally yours and that you can control, you can see me doing it in action here.

You'll see how much better it is than the constant ads and distractions.

You'll see what it's like to have the people you worked hard to attract with your time and money actually get to see your stuff.

You'll see what I think is the future of marketing.

Actually, I think it's more like the right now.

Hope your FB account is back up soon if you're depending on it.

But, regardless...

Maybe today is your warning to start planning your escape into building something you can control.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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