Subject: 🔵 "Eww... Your Breath is Awful"

Yuck is all I have to say to what has been coming out of that mouth lately...

It's true.

My breath has been awful lately.


I've had what you call...

"COMMlSSlON Breath"

Intentions have been good.

The end result I am trying to help you get, the highest.

But, some of the stuff I have been adding to my tool belt is just crap.

And, I've justified it by saying...

"Well, at least they can put a few doIIars in their pocket."

That's not good enough.

And as I am preparing to re-launch what I believe is my life's best works.

And what I fully believe can and will contribute to the success of purpose driven entrepreneurs for generations...

I've been battling my Spirit to puke out some of the stuff that I have vomited all overt the marketplace lately.

If you've got to battle with your Spirit to do anything...

You're doing the WRONG thing in my opinion.

So first off... my bad and I apologize.

More importantly, you're only going to see two things from me going forward.


The business that I have been waiting for my entire marketing life to appear.

And second...

The release of my new book and the system and tools that will help you implement the MiIIion DoIIar formula within it.

Long Term.


Massively positive Impact and lncome.

God gave me too much to be wasting my time on stupid stuff...

Just because it might produce a few short term pennies.

So I love you.

I have so much to GIVE to you soon as my NEW book and private projects release.

My Spirit has been grumbling at me lately, and I know why.

It's tired of the stink I have been breathing out into the world the last few weeks.

It's time to release the breath of life that was given to me.

So, you can partner with me here if it feels good to you.

When you do, you'll get first dibs on the early release of my new book and goodies.

If you love the original 30 Minute Workday book, the NEW book is going to have you leaping for joy.

And I promise, it will give you the principles and skills to build whatever calls to your heart for the rest of time.

To create unlimited lncome around ANYTHING that you love.

In a way that gives you the time and freedom to use that lncome to...

Spend more time with those you love the most.

Doing more of the things that you love the most.

And living a life of purpose as you use your time and lncome to serve the people, communities, and causes that God puts into your heart at any moment.

I'm back.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

P.S.  If you don't want to partner with me here and get early access to my new book and bonuses...

Be sure to connect with me on social below to get the early notifications, as well as...

Sneak peeks.

Pre-release goodies.

And more fun stuff.

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