Subject: 🔵 Eww... Monday is yucky

Ugh... are you back to the "grind.?" The place that you dread going to, yet spend most your time at

Is Monday a day that makes you say...

"Yeah, I get to go back to work and makes you feel alive?"

Or a day that makes you say...

"Eww... is it Monday again already?

"If it's not making you feel alive.

If Monday is not giving you energy.

You're in the wrong place, and doing the wrong things with your life.

Whatever you do for work is meant to GIVE you energy.

My "work" is helping people unlock the lives that they really want to live.

That they were meant to live.

So, it's awesome and I look forward to working, because it means I am serving and helping people.

I am helping unlock the future they dream about.

Plus, as I serve...

I am creating the time, resources, and freedom I need to spend my life with those that I love the most.

Doing the things I love the most.

And contributing to the communities and causes that mean the most to me.

It's a Win-Win-Win!

The people like you that I am helping unlock the future you want win by creating the lives they love.

I win because I am loving my work and my life.

And people all around my win as I get to use my time, resources, and freedom to create positive change in the world.

So yeah... Monday is awesome!

If you want Mondays to be more awesome too.

If you want to start building something that actually gives you life, so you can give life to others.

If you know that soul sucking job is literally draining the energy and the life from you.

It's time to start creating a new future.

Here the best way I know how to help you build a business this week around literally ANYTHING you are passionate about.

Happy Monday!


Creator of The "Mission 5:13" Movement

Author of The 30 Minute Workday

Creator of The Freedom Launchpad

P.S.  You CAN Get Job Free, So you Can Live Free and Be More for the People God Has Called You to Serve!


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