Subject: 🔵 Evil Black Friday truth revealed

I want to share some "insider" marketing info with you.

There are no "deals."

Want to know why you are getting that "Never to be seen before" deal right now?

Because they want to back end you into the same offer that is always available.

Only you wouldn't take it because you didn't want it.

So, the "guru" model is to now get money from you somehow.

And that somehow right now is to make you feel like you're missing out if you don't act now...

So they can get at least a few bucks from you...

With the REAL hopes of getting you to spend the big bucks on what you already didn't want.




Do those seem like tactics that a company that has your best interests in mind would sell from?

I personally don't think so.

But the "gurus" love it.

Because "fear" means money to them.

❌ No Hype.

❌ No Fear.

❌ No Goal of Tricking You into Spending More.

❌ No Manipulation.

Just the Absolute Best Deal Every Day of the Year.

Because I want you to win LONG TERM.

I've partnered with a community that wants you to win.

And we want to treat you like an intelligent, and capable human being.

Not just some "number" on our list that we can pull 💲 from during the holidays.

So, we are fine tuning this and making it better every day to be the best "deal" ever for you every day of the year.

And here's my promise.

There will be no timers on the page.

They will be no hyped up language.

There will be no tricks or manipulations.

There will be one tiny price.


Just 💲25 bucks.

And the value of it will always be a REAL value of over 💲12,OOO.

Not some inflated, made up number.

But real, marketplace value numbers.

What you would ACTUALLY pay otherwise.

Oh, And another thing...

My evil plan, and the evil plan of the community that I am working with to bring you this...

We Want to Work With You LONG TERM to Make Sure You Have the Skills, The Tools, The Resources, and the Personal Help to Be Free For Life.

Pretty sneaky and evil, right?

The community I run with is different.

In the best way possible.

And I tell you why in this brutally honest video.

If you feel like you connect with it, just let me know.

Can't wait to meet you inside of the community!

Nick Bramble 

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