Subject: 🔵 Ever heard of an "Elf" business?

I had never heard of an "Elf" business until today, but it truly is the ideal business for you...

Have you ever heard of an "ELF" business?

I hadn't until today when I heard a partner on our daily mastermind refer to our Freedom Shortcut as an "Elf" Business.

What is an "Elf" business?

It's a business that is...



And FUN!

I thought that was a perfect way to describe what I have been trying to show you.

If an "Elf" business sounds great to you, feel free to check out the shortcut here.

Enjoy your night!


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S.  Something else cool.

Chances are, I am out to a big family dinner right now as you read this.

Nope, I am not actually sitting at my laptop and working.

I spent a total of 5 minutes typing this email earlier, so I could be building my business while I am out celebrating Papa's birthday!

And yes, that 5 minutes was my ENTIRE "work" day.

All because this business is Easy. Lucrative. Fun.


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