Subject: 🔵 Ever been puked on? (true story)

I was doing everything I could to hold my lunch down.

But, as my throat tightened... it felt like I was about to lose that battle.

My stomach churned, my eyes watered, and I started to sweat and feel cold.

And for some reason, I couldn't stop staring into my white foam lunch tray now filled with thick mucousy brownish green liquid.

Swimming around in the liquid were the remnants of what was just chicken nuggets, or fries, or maybe an old grey school lunch hamburger.

I can still smell it.

I can't really describe it...

But it was something like rotten potatoes, mixed with sour milk, mixed with that smell when you lift a garbage can lid and you find maggots .

Sorry for the visual, but It was truly horrid.

And even now it brings an uneasiness to my stomach.

It was 2nd grade and Michael Mann had just puked into my lunch tray.

My school lunch experience was in that moment ruined for pretty much the rest of my school years.

No joke.

I was drinking chocolate milk at the time and it was literally 10 years before I had another drink of chocolate milk again.

And even then, it made my stomach want to shoot it right back out.

So, why am I grossing you out with one of my least favorite childhood memories?

It's to save you from being the Michael Mann of business buiIding.

Because truthfully, how Michael presented his lunch to me, was exactly how lots of people present their offers to other people.

They walk up to them and spew unwanted chunks of offers and products and opportunities all over an unsuspecting person, and then have the nerve to ask...

"You like that?"


"You want more?"

And then every day, they just keep hurling fresh loads of unwanted link puke all over their list, and social media.

All with this weird thought of...

"Maybe today they'll like this puke, and they'll want to buy it from me."

But guess what?

They won't.

And then you'll get mad and scream...

"This thing is a scam!"

And you'll quit for a minute until you find what you think is a better kind of puke.

And then the putrid process starts all over again.

Here's How to Solve Your Link Puking Problem Forever, and Have People Happily Hurling Cash at You.

1. Figure out who you want to help in the world.

We can't, and in my opinion, we aren't even meant to help everyone.

I believe God calls us to serve specific groups of people.

To use our talents and skills and desires to be able to speak to and relate to these groups in a way that creates change.

Because people tend to listen to people like them.

People tend to want to be around other people that make them say...

" too!"

If you can find your "me too" people in business, life becomes so much easier because half the battle is won.

They already agree with you and like you.

You just have to prove now that you can help them.

2. Get to know them well enough that you know what solutions they are looking for.

What pains they want to avoid?

What dreams they are wanting to achieve.

The easiest and fastest way to do this is to build something based around things you ALREADY have interest in knowledge in.

Stop building things or trying to link puke things just because you think they'll "make money."

Have a real, sincere interest in what you're building or offering.

Then you're already speaking the language.

You already have passion around it and can share experiences.

You already know the thoughts, the pains, and the desires... because they're yours too!

3. Provide them value, service, and help that gets them further from the pain and closer to the dream.

Send helpful content by email, video, social, podcast, mail, sms, or carrier pigeon.

However you want to do it, and really however THEY want to receive it.

Demonstrate how you and/or what you're offering can help them.

4. When you've proven that you want to help them, offer them real solutions that actually WILL help them get further from their pains and closer to their dreams.

Don't send a link because it might make you a few bucks.

Send a SOLUTION because it will help somebody if they get it.

It's been 40 years and still every time I think of Michael Mann, I think of puke and it makes me kinda sick to my stomach.

So, as you're building your business.

As your making your offers.

It might be wise to think to yourself...

"Am I about to Michael Mann somebody right now?"

And it you are, considered following the 4 step process above instead.

Because just like I will forever think of putrid, horrible smells, vomit, and a lifetime of school lunches ruined when I think of Michael...

The people you're puking on will feel the same about you.

And people you puke on, don't buy from you.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S.  Yes, that story is 100% true.

It was actually hard to write parts of it, because it literally makes me sick to think about.

I never want to cause that reaction in you.

So, if, and only if you believe that I have proved to you that partnering with me would help solve your current pain points in building a business, or creating a new life for yourself.

If you think partnering with me can help get you closer to the dreams that God has placed into your heart...

I invite you into my puke-free world here.

You can get 14 full days on us to fully decide.

If we can prove to you that we can help you, then you never give us a penny.

Just one rule though...

No "Michael Manning" allowed.

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