Subject: 🔵 Dreamt of you last night (for real)

I just spent a couple of days in the dream factory and it was amazing. More coming soon

I just spent a couple of days in the dream factory, and as always...

Dreams got renewed.

Dreams got bigger.

My vision for you, and how to get you what you want more quickly became more clear.

My mind is swirling with ideas and just alive with the future.

More to come, but I was thinking about dropping my thoughts and notes into a podcast.

A real, "old school" audio only podcast.

Would you want to learn about how to visit the dream factory...

And how you can paint any future you desire by letting me speak my formula for creating dreams directly into the dream centers of your brain?

Let me know.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  I really want to hear from you.

Let's stop making this a one way communication.

Email was made for back and forth.

With that in mind...

Would you also like to be listening to podcast where you could interact and ask questions?

Let me know.

I'm growing tired of speaking at you, and I really want to have back and forth with you that push you closer to your dreams with each and every interaction.

Dreams aren't born by hearing or reading, or watching.

They are born in the doing.

Would love to help you actually do more, so you can get more of the results you want?

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