Subject: 🔵 Don't blink (you'll miss it)

This little guy is now a man.

And all I did was blink!

I've been a little quiet lately as last week was my sons's graduation week.

It’s been a whirlwind of planning, activities, celebrations, ceremonies, etc. and yesterday it came to a close with family, food, and lots of laughs and fun.

But, I just wanted to pop in and say that weeks like last week...

And being fully immersed into the moments of life are why I started creating lncome in ways like this on my time and at my scale.

It was a decision made after being let go from my job 3 weeks before Christmas.

After having the blessing to have way more time with my daughter who was only about 9 months old at the time...

I decided that I didn't want to miss any of what I was now able to be a part of.

Getting let go from my job was one of the best things that ever happened to me, because I made ONE decision.

That I MUST stay free to be able to be in every moment with my family.

And as I think back over the time I have been able to spend with my son...

Who is now a man, I am so humbly blessed and grateful that I turned what I always knew I should do, into a MUST.

Life goes by in a blink.

And if you've had or currently have young children, it seems to go even faster.

Yesterday, my son and daughter were babies...

Today, they are adults preparing to step into new phases of life that I know will involve my wife and I less and less.

So I think on those moments on the trampoline with my son in the middle of the day playing games and laughing and bonding and just being together.

Or being able to be fully present with him as we’d go outside after a fresh snow and study the individual snowflakes which always seemed to amaze us both and fill us with wonder.

Going out at a moments notice because it was windy out, and the leaves were falling… and running crazily all over the yard to see who could catch the most leaves.

Seeing every Marvel movie on opening night and talking about it after.

Eating cereal together in the mornings and watching cartoons.

Waking up with him every morning, making him lunch for school, spending time in the car with him just watching him catch those last few minutes of sleep in the car before he ventured into school for the day.

Being there to pick him up after and grabbing that after school vanilla shake.

There are what seems like a million moments that I got to experience with him that if I hadn’t made him a part of my MUST, would never have happened.

So today, sitting in the quiet without him here. He stayed out with friends last night.

I think on how over the course of the rest of life, those moments will become less abundant.

He’ll be with friends more.

He’ll be pursuing and finding his own path.

He’ll be someday building his own family and his own life.

The importance of those extra moments that I’ve had with him seem exponentially magnified.

And I’m a little overwhelmed with gratitude by it all.

I don't know what it is for you that you MUST do, but I invite you today to make a sincere effort to really figure it out.

It’s easy to get stuck in the wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat routine of life.

But at the end of it all, are we going to feel fulfilled if that was our only connection to life.

Our only contribution.

Because as both my children are now heading in a direction more away from us than toward.

As they lean on us a little less every day, and more towards the dreams and desires that have been building inside of them…

As they discover their own MUSTS and work to achieve them…

I find myself with new dreams and desires, and new MUSTS burning inside of me as well.

To take the love and joy and guidance and lessons I have learned and to contribute them to the world in a way that helps others enjoy the same levels of freedom that I’ve been so blessed to have over the last 20 years.

I don’t know where my children’s MUSTS will take them.

Nor do I know where mine will lead.

I’m immensely grateful and fully blessed to be at this stage of parenthood with few regrets over the time and love I’ve been able to fully give to my children and family.

As we all step into the next phases of life together, I’m excited to know what we know, to have what we have, and to love how we’ve loved.

I’m equally excited at the unknown though too.

Because I know that by keeping our standards of loving each other and others high, and with our MUSTS in our heart…

If we keep stepping forward in faith, God, as He always does, will give us the ground we’re stepping into.

If we keep listening to Spirit, and discovering our new gifts…

Our gifts will make room for us.

And this phase I know will be just as exciting and filled with love, and joy, and life as the last!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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