Subject: 🔵 Does this make me a liar?

Lately I have been breaking some of my own rules. Rules that I wrote an entire book about. Here's why...

I have been considering lately whether or not I lied to you.

The answer is no, but here's why I say that.

If you've read my book, you know that I am HUGE on providing people more value than they could ever pay you for.

But lately, I have been sort of re-defining what it means to provide value, based on what YOU actually want.

Even if you don't always admit it.

And also, what I know you NEED as a person who has successfully done this for nearly 17 years now.

This is why my focus has on giving you everything you NEED to be successful in one place!

I could send you inspirational quotes that make you feel good for 5 or 10 minutes.

I could send you endless training that makes you feel smarter for a minute, then overwhelmed at how to best use it.

Heck, I have already sent you my exact step by step plan inside of my book that I just handed to you...

And yet, you don't have the abundance 💲.

❌ Or the time ⏲️.

❌ Or the freedom that you want yet 🏖️.


Because even though you might "Want" endless free stuff.

After nearly 17 years of doing this successfully, I know what you actually need more than anything.

I know what is actually of the highest VALUE to you right now.

What You NEED More Than Information Are 4 Things:

✔️ A systematic way to create instant result💲 even BEFORE you know what you're doing fully.

✔️ Personal, LIVE help to make sure you're doing everything right, and to accelerate your results by getting INSTANT feedback.

✔️ And a COMMUNITY of like minded people, who are already achieving what you want to achieve...

That supports you now and into the future to keep you on track, and make sure that you are NEVER alone in your journey.

✔️ PLUS, all of that proper training and guidance in one place for a price that you don't even have to think about paying because it's so tiny you won't even notice it's gone.

THAT is The Perfect Storm of Everything You Actually NEED to...

💲 Get Results (Abundance) starting RIGHT NOW.

💲 Quickly Create Enough Residual Income to Give You Time and Freedom to Start Living Life How YOU Choose inside of 100 days or less.

💲 Get The Skills, Guidance, and Personal Help You Need to Maintain Your Freedom FOR LIFE.

So, define "Value" for yourself.

Is it endless inspiration, training, videos, and podcasts that help you for a minute and then leave you broke and overwhelmed?


Is it a system.

And the tools.

And the personal help and guidance.

And the help of a community of like minded people.

And the ability to step into RIGHT NOW results (Abundance, Time, Freedom).

That will also last as long into the future as you do.

If You Want Endless Inspiration and Training, and to be Left to do it on Your Own...

You can just keep reading my book.

(everything you need to know is actually in there).

Or, you can continue searching through endless YouTube videos, ebooks, podcasts, social media feeds, etc.

Just know this.

Nobody ever makes it out successfully alone.


And for most people, it takes years of time (and lots of 💲 to figure that out).

So, you can waste a lot of time that you can never get back.

And you can dump thousands, maybe tens of thousands trying to figure it out alone.

Or, you can just listen to somebody who as already done that.

I wasted years of my life.

I went nearly 💲50,000 in debt before I figured it out.

You can make the smart choice and learn from those who came before you.

Saving you years of struggle, and tens of thousands of dollars...

Plus, plugging you into a RIGHT NOW solution for 💲25...

That is The Most Valuable Thing I Could Ever Offer You!


P.S.  Join The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.


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