Subject: 🔵 Does freedom heal you? Wow, this works

The crazy part is that I learned that just going to my J.O.B was literally making me sick...

I recorded a new podcast episode today that you may want to listen to if living a long, healthy life is important to you.

A life where you have the time, resources, freedom, and health to...

Spend your time with the people, communities, and causes that you love the most.

Jump right to it here if you want.

Even though I have been free for over 17 years now...

I'll never forget how going to the J.O.B. every day made me feel like I was dying inside.

But what's crazy is that what I have learned over the last few years is this...

It wasn't that I just felt like I was dying inside...

That Job Literally WAS Killing Me Slowly.

If you want to hear the facts behind that, press play...

What I really want you to know is this...

If you are feeling like this wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat existence is torture...

You're not alone.

I know that over 17 years ago, when I was still trapped in the J.O.B life, I felt totally alone and like nobody got me.

But, the truth is...

There are communities of people all over the world getting free from that wake, work, eat, sleep existence.

There are people who are actually LIVING life on their terms.

There are people who are excited about life.

People who are creating better futures for themselves and others.

People who are waking up with great passion and excitement.

People who are actually CREATING the future that they want to live in.

People who are having super positive impact all over the world.

People who have the time, the resources, and the FREEDOM to dedicate to the people, communities, and causes that they love the most.

People who I think you would LOVE to be around.

It's super exciting, and I talk about where they are hiding in today's podcast episode here if you want to listen.

So, if you want to avoid the disease, and stress, and shorter, unhealthier life that the wake, work, eat, sleep produces...

You'll probably love this podcast episode.

You'll learn how to live longer and healthier and happier.

You'll discover where the other freedom builders just like you are hiding.

And you'll find out that you're not alone in wanting to be free...

Plus, how to start having positive, lasting impact on the world in your own unique way.

I recorded this today with you in mind.

So, I'd love for you to press play and listen.

Don't forget to send me a quick email or text and let me know what you think of the episode.

Thanks so much, and I truly look forward to your reply!

Have an amazing day!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  I truly want to help you and work WITH you some day soon to build the freedom you want in your life.

If you want to, feel free to text me anytime here...


That's a real number and you won't be added to any automated lists or anything.

So be sure to give me a few minutes to personally get back to you.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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