Subject: 🔵 Do you hate me?

What is something I said or did, or do you just hate something about me?

Quick question?

What's the biggest reason you have decided not to continue with The Home Business Academy?

I really care about serving you at the highest level, so I truly want to know.

Did you not enjoy the products?

Did you have questions that myself, or the community didn't answer?

Or...Do you just hate me? 🤪

Seriously though, I'd really love your 100% honest feedback.

It will help me to help and serve people in a better way going forward.

Simply hit reply and let me know.

Don't hold back.

I'm not easily offended. 😀

This will help me and tons of other people, so thanks so much.

Can't wait read your reply!


"Called Free, to Be More!"

P.S.  Join The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.


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