Subject: 🔵 Did you text me? 517-445-583

Are you 100% serious about building a Freedom Business in 2022 that supports you and your family for the rest of your life?

I'm looking to hand select my very best customers and help them go from beginner to 8k - 10k per month in the next 12 months!

If you'd like to be considered, start by answering the 3 questions here:

Step #1: Answer These 3 Questions

Step #2: Contact me using one of the 2 methods below, so you can ask any questions you have... and answer 4 more that I have for you to make sure that we're a good fit.

The #1 Fastest Way to Reach Me:

The #2 Fastest Way to Reach Me:

517-445-5833 (text only)

Please be serious.

You're going to have the chance to work DAILY directly with me, my business partners, and a community of people already getting results.

We are literally giving you OUR business that is currently doing over 2.2mil in sales, and nearly 90k monthly.

You can see that screenshot below.

We can't just hand that over to anyone not serious as it puts our life's work, and the customers that we love and serve at risk.


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S. Here's the MRR you could be stepping into as soon as today.


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