Subject: 🔵 Did you see this?

I noticed you registered to look at ABS.

Here's the video if you missed some of it.

But, for a quick sec... Just be honest.

You don't want more training.

You don't want another course.

You don't want to suffer through another week of a "challenge" to find out you still don't have a business at the end.

Here's what you want.

And please reply to me and correct me if I am wrong.

You want to wake up.

Send an email to a list that was built for you.

To people who actually WANT what you have to offer.

Make saIes from the email all day long while you spend your time with who you love the most.

Doing the things you love the most.

And serving the people, communities, and causes that God puts onto your heart at any moment.

What you have here is just that.

And truthfully, it's how I have been able to be f.ree for over 20 years.

Only I forgot for a bit because the "guru" said I had to spend endless time on social.

That I had to spend endless time teaching.

That I had to chase people on social and message them and nurture them.

Here's the truth.

You don't.

At least when you build a f.reedom business.

What I am talking about here is a REAL affiIiate business.

With a site that is custom to you and paints you as a pro from day one.

With products and offers built in that people ALREADY want.

And when you partner with me...

With the ability to at the push of a button get people to the offer who ALREADY want it, so you can make daily saIes and still have a life that you enjoy.



LONG TERM (yes, it's a real b.usiness, not some recruiting opp).

And when it's done this way... it's just math.

I know how many people I need to send to my b.usiness daily to get 2X, 5X, or 10X more out than I put in.

This is the affiIiate b.usiness life.

The f.reedom business life.

It's building in a way that leverages other people's time, talents, and tools to create what I want.

Which is again to spend more time doing what I love the most.

With the people that I love the most.

And serving the people, communities, and causes that excite and fulfill me.

Sound fun?

That's what I can offer you.

Not endless training on stuff you'll never do.

Not a challenge that waste's your life with hype and motivation and more stuff you'll never do.

Not chasing and prospecting people all day.

Just send interested people.

To offers that they want.

And send a daily email (that you may or may not write).

That's the new life for you.

That's a F.reedom B.usiness.

And it's here and waiting.

On that note, I am DONE for the day.

Today, I am going to a fun Christmas event with my wife in one of our favorite towns.

Hope you enjoy your day, Friend

Nick Bramble

P.S. If there is anything you feel like I can add to help you with it if you decide it's for you, or to help you decide...

Let me know and I'll do everything I can to help you.

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