Subject: 🔵 Did you kinda blow it?

Maybe this opportunity that just saw 70,000 PAlD members come in over the last 30 days isn't for you, Friend...

So, maybe you didn't blow it.

But if you have been considering joining our amazing community of health and weaIth focused rock stars...

You did kinda blow it.

A little.

There's still time.

Hang with me for a sec.

I like to say that timing doesn't matter, until it does.

And in the case of this new community building model where your spot on our team is based completely on when you came in...

It matters!

For two reasons:

#1:  Because we are the fastest growing overall team in the company right now.

So, all of the paid members we added in the last 30 days that could have come after you, went before you instead.

#2: We're averaging 3,000 PAlD members per day as a company.

So, what's that means is we will be at 1 million members by years end.

And that's if we stop growing and flatline today.

Which I personally doubt, seeing that we are literally doubling ever few weeks now.

That 3,000 per day is gonna grow.

In fact, I'll update you...

But tomorrow we will top 4,000 for sure.

Anyway Friend, my point is not to fear monger you.

I am just stating facts.

Every day you wait is letting 3,000 more people in the door before you.

Every month... 100,000 more people.

And when you're a part of a model where the amount of real, paying members being placed after you depends on time...

That's a bigger and bigger deal, every day.

Maybe at least grab a free spot here and hold your place while you think about it, if you just can't decide.

Any questions, I am here.

Have an amazing night, Friend.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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