Subject: 🔵 Did you get the call too Friend?

I kept on asking this question and then I got this call that changed everything for me. Maybe you got it too.

Did you get the call too, Friend?

The one that says...

You Were Called to Be Free... in Order to Serve Others in Love?

(Galatians 5:13 paraphrase)

It can be a little daunting at times, right?

Because maybe you're just trying to get yourself free right now, and the serving part seems so far away.

But it's there.

You feel this calling to do more.

To have more.

To be more.

To give more.

Here's My Vision

And I share it because I think it will also resonate with you...

To help build the largest community of servant based entrepreneurs on the planet...

Who have the skills, the tools, and the resources to create wealth in a way that gives us the time and freedom to spend our time with those we love the most.

Doing the things we love the most.

And serving the people, communities, and causes that speak to our hearts.

This is more than a business to me.

It's more than money.

For me, it's a God given calling.

To create great wealth, yes.

But in a way that serves people at the highest level while it's being created.

And then is used to positively benefit exponentially more people as we pour our wealth and talents, and resources, and tools, and skills back into the world.

So, you can join the latest shiny business.

You can promote any one of millions of different products.

And you can make money in any one of a gazillion ways.

But if you feel a higher call to do more than just make money.

If there's a knowing in your heart that the vision I wrote above was sketched into you when you were born.

I'd like to get to know you more.

To hear what you want to contribute to the world.

To see if you and I together can combine to create more and give more.

Reach out to me in any of the ways you see below.

If you prefer to see the community that I am building to reach the vision talked about above before we connect...

You can do that here.

Thanks for spending some time with me today, Friend.

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


P.S. Want to connect?

Texting me at the number you see above is my absolute favorite way to connect.

After that, my next favorite is Telegram because I don't have to get stuck in the social noise, and we can just instantly connect without distractions.

But, if it's easier for you to connect on social, you can catch me in any of these places.

I'm actually posting fun and helpful stuff all the time if you want to check it out.


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