Subject: 🔵 Did "WE" blow it last night?

It’s good! Lions win and “we”are going to the Super…

Oh, wait… “we” don’t kick field goals.

Listen, I’m not innocent.

I had some words with the TV last night.

I spoke some words to coach, and some players after dropped balls that they’ll never hear (from me anyway)…

Or even care about.

But at the end of the day, there is no “we” in team for us watchers.

We are zero part of it.

Sure we cheer.

Sometimes buy tickets and gear.

But “we” are not on the team.

And win or lose…

If we see the game as anymore than a quick moment of entertainment, we (and yes, this time we ARE included when I say that)…

We might have problems.

Truth is, too many tend to get attached to the stories that others are creating…

Mostly because they aren’t creating their own.

Many people follow greatness instead of working towards it.

It’s easier.

And I get it.

It kinda feels good sometimes to follow so closely that you ”feel” a part of it all.

So, here in Michigan, lots of people will wake up still a little mad today about “their” Lions.

They’ll post about how dumb the coach is, or how unskilled the players are.

Some may go as far as to call into radio shows so they can feel “heard.”

Many will go to work and talk to their co-workers about it, instead of working.

Interesting thing about that too.

Because that J.O.B. that many settled on, is the very place they actually sold their own dreams.

It’s the place where they gave up on their own greatness.

It’s where they started building somebody else’s story.

Somebody else’s life.

I really enjoy sports.

I’ve played and watched them since I could walk.

But there is no “me” in any of the teams I choose to watch.

And when I watch the greatness unfold before me, I’d rather feel inspired by it to step into my own greatness…

Instead of complain that they just weren’t great enough.

Truth is…

Every player.

Every coach.

Every medical staff and more on that team that doesn’t include you…

Has put such an insane amount of work, and dedication into what they do.

They are the best in the world at their talent.

Not because they buried the talent when God gave it to them, like most.

But, because they recognized the potential greatness and worked night and day to achieve it.

Over the last couple of weeks, it’s been fun to watch The Lions win and play at a level of greatness I’ve rarely seen.

But, their life isn’t mine.

And it’s not yours.

Whether they played to “your” standards or not doesn’t matter.

Whether or not YOU play to the standards that God gave you does matter.

Not sure why I’m making this rant today.

Maybe it’s because a lot of people around me will be spending way too much time focusing on the stories of others today.

But if you put that same amount of time creating your own story, and building your own dreams…

You’d actually be much closer to your own greatness.

Your actual team (you and your family) would be winning at a higher level.

And if you put in the insane work that every coach, and player, and staff did to get to where they got…

You’d be one of the top 1% in the world too.

Their story isn’t yours.

If you’re not being inspired by theirs, it’s probably just a costly distraction.

Let the entertainers do what they do best and entertain you as they live their dreams.

But don’t forget to…

Go create your story.

Go build your dreams.

And if you do that with the same effort and time, and heart, and commitment as that team or player…

You’ll unlock a level of greatness that has been waiting for you this entire time.

And the dreams of your heart can become the real, tangible, exciting life of your own that you live.

So, you can stop butting into and existing in the stories of men and women who don’t even know you’re there.

Because, there’s greatness inside of you too Freedom Builder.

Go get it.

Go build your real team.

Go write your own beautiful story.

Go live those dreams that swim in your heart and mind all day.

Nick Bramble

P.S. While the Lions made THEIR playoff run to greatness over the last 2 weeks...

I enjoyed their entertainment, but I spent more time building MY dreams.

Inside of this real, raw, proof filled video is how I added an extra 2,OOO PER WEEk to my lncome during that 2 week playoff run.

Building my own dreams, while I get entertained by others living theirs.

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