Subject: 🔵 Design your dream life?

Mark passed away, but his vision is still fueling me like nothing before.

When Mark passed away, I feel like an entire community of dreamers got distracted.

Even quit on their dreams.

I've been binge listening to the late, magnificent Mark Hoverson for the last several days.

And it's amazing that even a decade ago, what he was revealing to people was what the "gurus" are now saying is new.

He was so far ahead of the industry.

And it's why every time he did one of his basic, low budget little doodles from his Mac...

It was as if Heaven opened up and rained abundance on him, his family, and his cohort of dream builders.

He was a genius.

I recently got a hold of every single course he ever offered, and you know what?

He is STILL genius.

But here's where his stuff makes me a little sad.

Mark was a pioneer in a decade or so of pioneers that decided that the hustle and the grind was over-rated.

The focus wasn't endless hustle, and grind, and content, and vanity metrics.

The focus was on building not a b.usiness, but a lifestyle.

To build something where you could travel if you wanted to travel.

Spend endless time with your children and family.

Wake up how and when you wanted.

Auto.mate everything so that whether you were skiing, or playing with the kids, or even sleeping...

The lncome would come with such incredible ease it seemed like a fantasy.

But, it wasn't.

And it's not now either.

It is however...

Mostly forgotten.

So, I am on a mission to revive Mark's vision and mission to not build b.usiness just for lncome.

But, to build incredible machines that serve people at the highest level...

While providing for you and those you serve at the highest level.

Nothing is built in this model that can't also be auto.mated, or scaled in the absence of time spent.

Because the goal is the f.reedom to do whatever f.reedom means to you.

And to serve, whoever God gives you to serve.

This isn't about being "faceless" or about letting A.I. turn you into a glorified copycat.

Yes, leveraging current technology is key.

But, at it's core, it's still about serving at the highest level.

It's just doing so in a way where you don't give up your time.

Giving you more abundance.

In less time.

Without the hustle and grind of it all.

It's about asking yourself...

"How do I want my life to be on a daily basis?"

And then going out and designing the way you create weaIth around the life you want.

Around the dreams in your heart.

Those dreams are real.

Meant to be brought to life.

It doesn't matter if the dream in your heart is to own a home on the beach...

Or, to serve a mission for a month at a time around the world.

Or, to wake up when and where you want.

The dream is real.

Meant to be lived.

Every desire breathed into your heart by God.

It's yours to have if you want to pursue it.

It's just a few skills and eye opening revelations away.

And if you want to partner with a bunch of f.reedom seeking, lifestyle designing superstars that are just like you...

I have started a revolution where we're just crazy enough to chase the desires of our hearts.

To believe in them with such ferocity that we chase them down like a hungry lion pursues a gazelle.

We are like you.

Imagined to image.

Created to create.

Called f.ree, so we can use our f.reedom to build not a b.usiness...

But lifestyles.

Our own.

And as many as we can impact with the time, talents, and trea.sures we stockpile.

I invite you to the community here.

It's just getting started, and there is much to come.

Surprises to reveal.

Dreams to unlock.

You are the foundation of a revolution that will once again breathe life into the lifestyle b.usiness industry.

I'm super excited to have you with us.

Your invite is waiting here.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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