Subject: 🔵 Crazy 3rd grade teacher shows dangerous video

what the heck was he thinking showing this to a bunch of 8 year olds!


What kind of 3rd grade teacher would think that this type of video was a responsible video to show to a bunch of impressionable kids?

I mean... you can't even participate in this kind of stuff until you're 18.

And even then, you've gotta be kinda crazy to do it!

So, when my 3rd grade son came home and told me he wanted to do what was in that crazy and irresponsible video his teacher showed him...

In my mind, I said some maybe not nice things about the teacher.

But, I was hoping that by the time 10 years went by and my son turned 18, he'd change his mind.

Well, he not only DID NOT change his mind...

He made me do the crazy irresponsible thing WITH HIM yesterday the very day he turned 18!

Here's some of the raw footage.


Just the thought of having to do this makes some people feel a little sick to their stomach.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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