Subject: 🔵 Courses = slow ⚰️ ☠️ to your lncome

You've gotta stop buying courses and challenges if you really want to get started fast.

Courses and challenges and "How to" training is smothering your lncome.

Siphoning your lncome into the pockets of the "guru" never to be seen again.

Honestly... I've had this thought for a while.

But, as I work closely with my daughter (a complete beginner when she started)...

I realized pretty quickly that plugging her into "training" was slowing her down BIG time.

I started to see why I was nearly 5Ok in the hole before I got any results nearly 20 years ago.

And why you may be struggling and still in the hole after months and years at this.

It was a pretty major revelation.

Like a bucket of cold water to the face on a snowy day.

It woke me up.

Here's what she really wanted.

She wanted to know what to actually DO on a daily basis.

She wanted to be in ACTION mode.

And if you want to create lncome way faster, you'll probably want to be in action mode too.

So, I quickly switched how I helped her learn to build a b.usiness online.

Here's what I did...

1. I gave her the basic principles of how and why it all worked, so she understood why the actions were necessary.

Why the actions were effective.

And the things she could look at if things weren't progressing.

This takes like an hour or two.

2. I gave her actions steps to do.

By action steps, I mean that I had her focus only on lncome generating activities.

Things that actually created Ieads and turned them into lncome.

3. Together, we plugged into an interactive, live, mentoring program that did a couple of things for us.

>>> It gave us all of the products, websites, emails, ads, ad copy, and pretty much a copy-paste-PROFlT b.usiness.

So, we didn't have to be held back by the hard, techy, time consuming, expensive stuff.

Instead, we could jump right into an lncome producing b.usiness from day one.

>>> Because it's live, and interactive, and provides step by step lncome generating activities daily...

We focus on action steps that are lncome producing.

These action steps are actually just given to us so there is no confusion.

And if there is, we have a live and interactive community to go to and get instant feedback.

Instant correction.

Leading to closer to instant results.

We learn as we DO.

We learn BECAUSE we Do.

Which brings up another important point.

You will never truly learn anything to the point where you subconsciously just know it...

Until you're actually DOING it on a regular basis.

Nobody ever got weaIthy sitting in the library reading "how to" books.

You won't be the first, so stop with the courses and videos and books and endless scrolling.

I'll finish with something really cool to show you the power of this.

My daughter has gone from "beginner" level to knowing exactly what to do to produce lncome in what seems like an instant.

In fact, because she focuses on DOING, and learning from the doing...

She was able to start a b.usiness on April 2nd of this year...

And have her first $9OO day on April 10th.

Just 8 days.

If you've been stuck on the "learning" mode for months, even years...

That might seem like a dream.

But it's reality when you stop buying courses and challenges and you get into a community focused on taking action.

Instead of earning as you learn which can take forever.

You learn as you earn.

Putting the focus on the lncome generating activities first.

You learn BY earning.

It's a subtle shift, but one that can have you into lncome next week or sooner if you make it.

If you want to know the interactive, lncome producing action based community that we're loving right now...

You can check it out here.

You'll have access to all the action steps...

Plus, a complete d4u b.usiness, so you can get right into action immediately.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention...

You get 1OO percent of every saIe generated.

It's a win-win-win for sure.

No matter what you decide about our community, make the shift as soon as you can.

It could be just the thing you need to escape the wake, work, eat sleep be broke and unhappy madness...

And slip into the dream life that swims around in your head and heart all day.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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