Subject: 🔵 Congrats on your MAP SaIe

Let's take advantage of all of these saIes we're making to make MORE saIes for everyone

MAP saIes have been pouring in for those of you who are getting the word out.

And that's cool, because each one is a massive $56O+ saIe.

Wowzers... right?

And you want to know how to turn those saIes into more saIes for EVERYONE...

Even those who haven't made any yet?

Tell people!

Results seII.

So, when Bob Rowland came to me asking if we could get some team results together for a video...

I said, let's do it!

By the way, Bob has generated over 4,OOO smackeroos in just 2 weeks with MAP.

You can find him on the leaderboard in the back office.

Now, wouldn't it be cool if YOU could use Bob's results to make more MAP saIes for yourself?

Sure it would.

So, here's the deal...

If you have made even 1 single MAP saIe, I'd love a quick (very quick) video testimonial from you.

If you do that, I will put it in a new video that you and others can use to make MORE saIes.

Yes, showing saIes results is usually the thing that produces more saIes.

Even if the results aren't yours (yet).

Here's the format for the video if you have made saIes.

If you haven't yet... see the P.S. below.

Hey... this is [FIRSTNAME ONLY], and I have been with MAP for just [TIME IN MAP]...

And already, I have generated [YOUR TOTAL lNCOME SO FAR].

If you want to add a QUICK something after that about what you love about MAP, cool.

Just be quick, because we want to make this a video montage of sorts.

If you do this, it will help YOU make more saIes, but also everyone else.

Including the team you're building.

And remember, the more your team builds, the more lncome you get with less effort.

Let's go create more saIes for each other, Friend.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  If you haven't YET made your first saIe, it's coming.

In the meantime, do a quick video in the following format.

Hey... this is [FIRSTNAME ONLY], and I have been with MAP for just [TIME IN MAP]...


This has by far been the best affiIiate marketing training and system I have seen in over [TIME YOU'VE BEEN TRYING TO BUILD].  

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