Subject: 🔵 Congrats! You're Already Behind

Hey Friend...

This email is going out to my team only.

You have raised your hand and joined the revolution, and I love you for that.

But, my love for you doesn't mean I won't push you.

It means the opposite.

It means I MUST push you to achieve what you never have before.

This email is your push.

[Quick Notice] This Email Contains a Rant That Will Help Those Mature Enough to Achieve Massive Success, and Probably Anger Those Who are Still Too Immature to Achieve Freedom

But know that if you are a little put off, or angered by the email...

It's probably because deep down, you know it's true.

And you're not doing what you need to do.

To Become who you need to become.

To achieve what you say you want.

First off, I want to congratulate the 4 of you (yes ONLY 4) who have decided to hit the ground running and take the first action step of 2022.

Those 4 people are:

Craig Dunn

James Haynes

Donnie Ellis

And Kaiko Kwalaula

Those are the only people who clicked the link to listen to this audio I made for you all.

I want to congratulate the rest of you for already being behind again in 2022.

No, you haven't failed.

You can't fail at anything after a day.

If you listen to the audio, you'll see how ridiculous I think that thought would even be.

You're just sitting in the same place that you told me you wanted to leave in 2021.

This email is your heads up.

I'm not waiting for you in 2022, Friend.

I am not going to baby you.

Hold you're hand and pull you up from your place of sitting.

Yes, I WILL Grab The Hand of Those Who Are Actually Climbing and Help You Move Faster and Easier Though Your Journey to Success.

But, if you're content to sit and stay still for another second of your life, enjoy the fast full of dust.

Because my mission is too important.

There are too many people who need to hear the voice of freedom.

There are too many people who really want this crying out for somebody to show them the way.

Because if they saw the path, they'd start sprinting down it.

I am fully embracing the Freedom Revolution going forward.

So, I am not looking to work with people content to stay still.

I am looking for people who want to fight.

First for your own freedom Friend...

And then for the freedom of those who you are called to serve.

Bottom line...

I am looking for Revolutionaries!

A Revolution by Definition Aims to Radically Change the System and the Way Things Currently Operate

Which means you first have to radically change you!

As leader of the revolution, I have cleared the path.

All you have to do is take the steps.

Most of the obstacles have been removed.

The pitfalls revealed.

The shortcuts blazed.

All you have to do is take the 4 steps in this audio, and start sprinting with me.

Here it is again...

Yes, this email is a bit of a rant.

A bit of a call out to you to step up make your habits and actions match up with what you say you want.

All of the reasons why that's important are in this audio.

Please know that the reason I am sending this are because I love you.

I know that there are people who need you.

And I love them too.

I know that over 85% of people sit miserably in their jobs every single day living lives of silent desperation.

Looking for hope.

Looking for a way out.

Looking for an escape from a life they are just existing in...

Into a life that they love filled with purpose, adventure, fun, and freedom.

👉 YOU are that path for them.

👉 YOU are that escape.

👉 YOU are the only person that can help them.

😟 Without YOU, they die never living the life they were meant to.

It's that important.

This is why YOUR success matters to me.

And why I believe it's the first step you MUST take on the path.

I truly appreciate you, and I am here to help.

Listen to this ASAP

Let's connect ASAP and make sure you're on track this year.

The best way to reach me is in the P.P.S below.

Talk soon!


"Called Free, to Be More!"

P.S.  Log into The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.

P.P.S.  The fastest way to reach me is Telegram. I highly recommend using it.

Here's direct access to me there.


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