Subject: 🔵 Cold. Faceless. Dying

How's that for a grim way to step into your Tuesday? But, I promise that there is more light than dark inside

Hi Friend...

I know... I know.

Kind of a grim subject line for an email, right?

And as an introvert myself, those words really weren't what I wanted to say today when somebody asked me a marketing question.

But, here's why I said them.

Cold and faceless marketing is dying.

Literally flatlining.

This is what I said when a person in my community was asking me about voicemail marketing today.

Now, everything in marketing is a test... and I told him that too.

But, marketing strategies that are cold and faceless like that are no longer speaking to a culture that sees everybody 3 inches in front of their face all day...

A culture that literally CRAVES to see the person, or the people behind everything.

My advice (as much as I hated to give it) was to place ads and produce content that puts yourself out there.

Ugh... even typing make my face a little frowny.

Why can't I just hide behind my screen like it was 2005 again?!?

But, here's where it gets REALLY cool.

This type of "presence" marketing has made the game WAY easier.

Because, yes, people want to see you...

But, they only want to see you for a minute or less at a time!

And how easy is that?

No long 30 minute videos.

No drawn out webinars.

Heck, you don't even need any added technology anymore.

You just open your phone.

Record a quick message.

Hit post.

And you're done!

In fact, we've been testing this out inside of our freedom community (yes, even me), and the results are staggering.

Tens of thousands of views.

A growing audience.


And most importantly Sales... for 1 minute of our time per day!

To make it even better... it's FREE!

It's crazy.

If you want to get an idea of what I am talking about... check out my Instagram Reels here.

Be sure to follow me there as you're going to see A LOT more of me.

Cool thing is that you can post a single 1 minute video across ALL of the social platforms and YouTube in less than 5 minutes and be done for the day.

Imagine how simple and awesome that could be for you?

And, because video gives you instant rapport, trust, and likability...

You can see results WAY faster than my old cold, faceless, dying strategies.

The marketing game is getting WAY easier.

Especially for people like us who already let other people do all of the hard, techy, time consuming, expensive stuff for us.

If you want to take advantage and step into a business you can build TODAY.

And you want the skills to be able to do it LONG TERM.

Like, for life.

And you want daily LIVE help all along the way.

You can check out our community here.

And even if our freedom message doesn't completely resonate with you, you might want to start paying attention to my Reels and posts.

Because, you'll see how you can build anything you want simply.

In as little as a few minutes per day.

In a way that will make your market and your people love you (and want to buy from you even without you asking).

That's also totally free.

It's so nutso that even me, a self confessed lifetime introvert is crawling out of my shell. 🐢

Have an amazing Tuesday, Friend!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  You can now connect with me on across multiple platforms:

YouTube: @calledfree

Facebook: @nickbramble

Instagram: @realnickbramble

Twitter: @realnickbramble

Catch up with me on any or all platforms you hang out on.

And no, I don't use the platforms to dance around like a clown and post silly videos that waste your time.

I've constantly adding lots or really helpful short "value bites" to each platform that will actually help you build anything that you might be building right now.


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