Subject: 🔵 Choose your path to 💲 inside

Do You Prefer to Do it All Yourself, Get Some Help, or Have it Done For You?

Remember those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books where you could change the story and the ending by taking different paths through out the book?

I do.

I loved those books.

I loved that I had some choice in how the book went.

It's probably why I like to give YOU a choice in how you write your own story.

In how you create the freedom that you're looking for.

So, I came up with 3 different options that will let you decide what works best for you.

Here they are...

Option #1: Do it Yourself - The 30 Minute Workday Escape Plan Formula

This is my 183 page step by step guide on setting up a business you love online...

Without your own products.

Without your own website.

All while you let other people do all of the hard, techy, time consuming stuff for you.

So you can create all the time, freedom, and abundance you desire in as little as 30 minutes per day.

Cost: Zero. Zilch. Nada

⭐⭐ Option #2: Do it With Help From Me - The Freedom LaunchPad

It shows you the same process, but you get a step by step video walk through by me.

You and I basically set everything up together as you watch me do it right in front of you.

If you like to do things more on your own, but you need visual walk throughs, this is perfect.

This also allows you to have everything you need set up in as little as 48 hours, or less.

Cost - $27 One Time Ever

⭐⭐⭐ Option #3: Done FOR You, and Live Daily Help From a Community of Successful People - The All in One Business

This is the "All in One," you get the best of all worlds option.

🚨 First, you get a completely ready to go business handed to you that can be set up and ready to profit from in 10 minutes or less.

🚨 Then, you get DAILY, Live, Personal help that has the goal of helping you create a 6 Figure residual business in 12 months or less (following the 30 Minute Workday Formula).

🚨 Then, you get ongoing help as long as you want it, with the goal of making sure you have the SKILLS to be able to create and maintain your freedom FOR LIFE doing anything you love.

Again, following the 30 Minute Workday Formula.

Cost: $25 Per Month to start

So, there you go.

You get to choose your own path to freedom.

And isn't that the way it should be anyway?

Choose whichever is best for YOU, and get creating...

Do it By Yourself on Your Own Time

⭐⭐  Do it With Over The Shoulder Help and Get Freedom Faster

⭐⭐⭐ Have it Done For You AND Get Ongoing Daily Personal Help as Long as You Need, Plus Gain The Skills to be Free For Life!

If you need help, or have questions in choosing the best option for you, you can always chat with me here directly.

If you choose to chat with me, please let me know your first name and email when reaching out, so I know who you are.

No matter which option you choose, I want to help you as much as possible.

This isn't just a "thing" I do for a living.

It's a God given calling I have to set you free to live the life you feel called in your heart to live.

❤️ A life that allows you to spend time with the people that you love the most.

❤️ Doing the things that you love the most.

❤️ And serving the people, communities, and causes that you feel most excited and passionate about.

I can't wait to meet and help you!


"Called Free to Be More"


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