Subject: 🔵 Change. Or, settle for a J0b you despise

That's the crossroads that I was at. Here's what I did

I had to make a choice.

Either I had to change the way I was thinking, and level up my skills...

Or, I'd have to leave this little guy and spend nearly every waking hour away from him working at a place I'd most likely loathe.

To take you back...

I had already been let go from my job, and was full time from home for a while, but after some early success...

I was starting to blow it.

I was getting complacent.

I was thinking that I could just plug into the next, best looking 0pp and things would be rolling again.

Truth is though, I had let my skills decline.

I had sat back too long, enjoying the spoils, and stopped doing the things that I knew I had to do.

And my lncome was showing the signs.

It was declining.

To be brutally honest...

It was flatlining.

The skills that worked for me before (Google ads), had been rendered useless due to a recent update.

Bottom line, it was level up...

Or, spend life missing all of these wonderful little moments with my family.

It didn't happen right away.

I actually bounced from a couple of shiny objects thinking the shiny object would save me.

It didn't.

Because if you don't have the right mindset and skillset, no shiny object b.usiness will save you.

So, I finally made the 2 changes that could actually get me the time and lncome I wanted.

I first decided to change my mindset, and become a real professional instead of some Iink dropper or program hopper.

And next decided to level up my skills and learn the things that would again allow me to generate Ieads and saIes and serve the people I wanted to serve.

In a short time, everything started to change.

I was building a Iist again.I was gaining credibility with that Iist.

And I was generating saIes on a daily basis.

Fast forward to today...

I have spent nearly every second with my family.

And recently returned from an amazing trip with my son to Glacier National Park.

An unforgettable time of bonding before he started engineering school last week.

In total, I have enjoyed 20 years of f.reedom because I chose to focus on developing the right mindset of being a professional.

Continuously working on my skillset to stay relevant.

And using the right tools that can a.utomate my daily activities...

So, I am always creating lncome in a way that gives me what I really want.

Time and personal f.reedom.

If you're ready to make the change from being an endless new 0pp promoter...

And you want to be a pro that can create lncome in a way that gives you the things you really want in life...

The mindsets, skillsets, and toolsets you need can be found here.

Hope that serves you well today F.reedom Builder.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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