Subject: 🔵 Can doctors be trusted right now?

I was pre-med/pre-physical therapy back in my college days.

And including grad school, I had ONLY 1/2 a semester of nutrition.

Which seemed bizarre then...

But now, seems downright absurd!

Especially since we know that nearly all disease is the result of inflammation...

And we have the most inflammatory eating habits of any generation that has ever existed.

Inflammation is so destructive that a new term has arisen over the last few years...


We are literally aging ourselves at record paces, and digging our own early graves one bite at a time.

Food matters.


More than any other thing we can do.

As my favorite functional medicine doc, Dr. Hyman likes to say...

"Food is medicine."

But, it can also be poison, as we are seeing now all across our culture.

I say all of this to set this story up...

My son had surgery a couple of weeks ago to repair a broken collar bone.

While waiting for him, my wife and I went to sit in the commons area.

And looking for something to eat or drink, I was SHOCKED at what I saw.

First was the line of "professionals" that went probably 50 scrubs deep at the warm sugar drink bar.

We like to call it coffee at Starbucks, but if it's 90% sugar and unhealthy fat, is it really coffee?

Next was similar crowds around the "breakfast" areas.

Which literally consisted of cakes, and pies, and cookies, and muffins...

Literally zero real food.

In fact, I looked everywhere and all I could find was one little half rotten looking container of celery slathered in sugared up peanut butter.

"These are the choices the professionals that we're supposed to trust are making with their health," I said to my wife.

I was a little bit flabbergasted.

How could it be in the place we are supposed to go to get health advice, and to be made better when we're sick...

That it's nearly impossible to find healthy food.

Or even real food!!

Shouldn't it be the opposite?

Shouldn't it be hard to find junk food in a hospital?

Shouldn't those treating our diseases that are mostly caused by food actually be making better food choices?


It all really drove home for me the fact that modern medicine which good for emergencies and surgical procedures...

Is from a disease standpoint, only here to label symptoms of disease, and offer a pill to manage it.

Pills that in most cases actually destroy one or more parts of the body to manage another.

Not to actually make us better.

That's up to us.

And it's why over the last 4 years, I have gone into overdrive to make sure I am putting healthy food into my body.

Which has lead me down a path of looking for companies that I can get behind and build to help people get the nutrition that they need.

And until Sunday, I didn't think it existed.

Out of the blue, this hit me in the face like a big ol' healthy bowl of nutritional goodness.

In fact, when Nic showed it to me, I thought... yeah right, these products are probably junk.

Or, if not that... Insanely over priced.

But, I gave it a look anyway.

And BOOM, what I had been looking for over the last few years was laying in my lap.

The ability to get amazing products that I already use.

At half the price I was paying.

AND create an amazing residuaI lncome at the same time helping build a company that is putting real healing back into the world.

It's like the Holy Trinity of offers for me.



Plus, providing a helpful solution to probably the worlds only true epidemics...

Lack from a broken J.0.B model.

And global self inflicted disease caused from insane amounts of sugary, processed, oil laden foods.

So, if you've ever wanted to enjoy building residuaI lncome with an amazing health and wellness company.

(and be able to do it for less than 1O bucks a month)...

You might be a little shocked at how cool this is like I have been.

Any questions about it, let me know.

There are some time sensitive parts though, so check the P.S.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S. The company here uses a really unique what I call "Pay it Forward" type of model which lets us help lots of other people create long term residuaI lncome.

They actually do something really exciting every Thursday night that allows lots of people to get PAlD on the efforts of the community.

If you want to lock in a free spot here, you can see what I mean.

You'll actually be in position to benefit from my efforts, and the efforts of an entire team building for you.

Pretty cool stuff.

P.P.S.  If you just want a huge discount on some really amazing products, you can see that too.

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