Subject: 🔵 [CAST STUDY] 51 sales in 15 days (took 10 minutes)

Happy Friday Friend!

Quick question...

Are you a little tired of the "salesy" emails I have been sending lately?

Whether you love them or hate them, here's why I've been low on "value" and high on "sales" lately.

If you pay attention to this email, you'll see why those emails can be the birthplace of an entirely new future for you.

One where YOU can have the power, the skills, and the vehicle to make any of your dreams come true.

If that sounds cool, here's some "value." 🙂

It all starts with these images of sales, and how I got them.

Sorry... I couldn't fit all the sales into one image on my phone.

If you count em' up...

That's a Total of 51 Sales in 15 Days!

So, how do these images lead to YOUR better future?

One where you can create any dream life you want?

Well, that leads me into reason one of my "salesy" email streak, which is:

1. The Year is Already More Than Half Over, and I Want to Work WITH People Who Are Ready to Create a Brand New Dream Life by The End of 2022.

I mean, really... do you want to roll into 2023 with the same lack of time, income, and freedom as you've got this year?

My guess is no.

But, if you want it to be different, YOU have to do something different.

And if you want the power to create whatever life you desire, YOU have to give yourself the vehicle and the skills to do it.

This vehicle I use, and these skills I have, are why I have been free to create whatever life I desire for nearly 20 years now.

Those images are not just "sales."

They represent FREEDOM.

Freedom to wake up and do whatever I want with my life.

Freedom to have enough income coming in each month, that even if I decide NOT to work (or to work very little)...

My life is still awesome!

How 'bout you?

How awesome would your life be if you decided to stop going into work for a few weeks and the income stopped?

Even a few days?

Heck... how awesome is it now even when you DO go to work.Which leads me into reason 2 of why I have been so "salesy" lately.

2. What I am Doing Has Such Huge Potential to Help You Get YOUR Dream Life, That if I Didn't Show it to You...

I'd Consider Myself a Jerk!

Because here's the truth.

Since July 13th, I have "worked" no more than about 10 minutes in ANY day, and still those 51 sales came into my life.

Some of them new, and some of them recurring...

But, ALL of them with minimal to no "work."

Now, I'll get to the case study that shows you why and how I can do that, but here's what's important about what those sales meant to me and my family.

Since July 13th I have been...

❤️ Getting ready for and having my daughter's graduation party

❤️ Spending time working out with my son

❤️ Kayaking around the lake with my wife

❤️ Enjoying LOTS of meals out and shopping with my wife

❤️ Spending 4 days celebrating my wife and I's 24th anniversary

❤️ Celebrating my birthday

❤️ Spending time with our parents and grandparents (some of whom are ill and will be leaving for Jesus soon).

All of this is FREEDOM to me.

All of this is what makes up my perfect days.

And it just went perfectly every day because of this way I have decided to create wealth for myself and my family.

I want you to think about YOUR perfect day.

Your perfect life.

What does that look like?

Are you getting closer to it, or further away?

Do you feel like you are living?

Or, just existing here until you die?

For most, it's the latter.

And for me, if I don't share this with you...

It's like watching you die from a horrible disease while I stand with the cure in my hand.

I literally feel that way.

And for that reason...

To me, I am never "selling" at all.

I am just trying to give you the solution that saves you from the life you're dying in...

And replaces it with the life of your dreams.

Make sense now?

I sure hope so.

I hope more than anything that you see my heart is for YOUR freedom.

Because in your freedom I believe...Is life for somebody else.

And the more we work to free people, the more people are free to do the same.

And how much better can the world be with more people living in their gifts, and desires, and purposes?

Way better, I think.

More fun too!

Alright, after all of that...

Are you ready to see the case study that reveals how I generated all of that freedom in my life daily, NOT working?

Here goes:

[CASE STUDY] - How to Get 51 Sales in 15 Days (in 10 minutes or less)

Step One:  I used the power of technology, social media, and the internet to build a list of people that I want to help.

Step Two:  I spent less than 10 minutes every couple of days sending you an email pointing you to the best solution to your problem (lack of time, money, and freedom)

Step Three:  In those emails, I recommended to you an All in One Solution that will help you get the results you want in the biggest, fastest, easiest way possible.

And this All in One Solution pays me 80% commissions whether I am working or not.

That's it.

It's a win/win, right?

You get the fastest, simplest, most fun path to the time, income, and freedom you want.

And I get to live my dream lifestyle, while helping you to build YOURS!

I love this life.

If you want to step into your dream lifestyle, and help others do the same...

I'd love to partner with you here.

I can't wait to welcome you to the community!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


P.S. Did you see what we are up to in residuals now per month?

We've grown 2.5X as a company since February!

That's pretty amazing.

It means a few important things:

1. What we have is working

2. People like you want what we have

3. And YOU can win big if you get moving.

Here's a screenshot from yesterday. Look at that upward growth!


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