Subject: 🔵 Booty Shakin' and Dream Creatin' (inside)

Happy Booty Shakin' and Dream Creatin' Thursday, Friend!

Watch This 58 Second Video to See What Happens When I "Shake My Booty" With My Kids.

Yesterday I was having morning dance parties with my 2 year old son and 3 year old daughter.

It was awesome and one of the best times of my life.

The image of them in their cute little jammies, shaking their little booties around the Fisher-Price piano is etched into my brain for eternity.

I love it.

Today... They are 17 and 18 years old!!!


That's how fast time flies!

And as a parent, I think time goes WAY faster than it did before I was blessed to be one.

It makes me think about those of you who are gone all day and missing the moments that I have been so blessed to have.

If I feel like it went fast, and I got to be a part of every second...

How quickly has life raced by for you?

How many moments are you missing?

How many memories are you not creating?

Is all of that time away doing something you don't love nearly as much as your children worth it?

My guess is that it's an easy NO WAY!

My point isn't to make you feel badly about whatever you're missing in your life.

It's to ask you...

What are you doing right now to create more time, freedom, and finances in your life to actually be able to ENJOY your life?

And it also got me thinking about the annoying countdown timers you're always seeing on sites and offers trying to fear monger you into acting now.

Mostly, I think those timers are ridiculous, and I don't really like having them on my sites.

Those timers on the websites counting down don’t mean a darn thing.

And acting out of fear of loss won’t give you the proper motivation to become who you need to become...

In order to create the life you want.

But, The Timer on Your Life IS Real.

And if that’s not motivation enough to take action…

Check your motivation!

Because acting out of fear is a little bit like having a cup of coffee in the morning.

Sure, you'll have a quick burst of energy, but then it's gone.

Fear based motivation in sales is the same.

All it does is get you to buy.

But it isn't the long term fuel you need to create the new, better, more powerful, and fully free life that God has for you.

You Are Called by God to Be More, Do More, Have More, and GIVE More.

Decide that stepping into and enjoying the full life that God has for you is your long term fuel.

Then use that beautiful future as the burst that makes you jump into creating the dreams of your heart...

And the daily fuel you need to see and create all that God has waiting for you.

Nick Bramble

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. If you scrolled to the bottom, because life has you too busy to read...

You can watch this 58 second video to see the secret to unlocking the dream future that God has for you.

And just to see what can happen with the right motivation, check out how fast Allan is creating his new future.

Yep, the future builds quickly when you have the right vehicle with the right fuel.

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