Subject: 🔵 Be a "Marketing Hero" (How to)

Today, I woke up to this...

And immediately, I thought of this..

"Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up."

~Galatians 6:9

What if I had decided to get tired of trying to do good when I was failing.

When I was nearly 50k in debt from stuff that didn't work.

What if I didn't write the book because I didn't feel good enough, or smart enough.

Or, what if I started it and quit when it got too hard to finish.

Truth is, there are at least hundreds of times along my 20 year journey that I could have grown tired of doing good.

And I am writing you today, because there are probably days that you are tired as well.

But, this is a little "wink" to keep going.Keep fighting for what you believe in.

Keep listening to the dreams and desires of your heart.

They are the stuff of God.

If you don't tire, I believe that not only will you reap the benefits and blessings...

But, others will too.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S.  I am so glad that I didn't tire of trying to find an opportunity to build something that positively impacted the health of others.

For my entire marketing "career," I have been looking for a company with nutritional products good enough to put into my body...

That I could also feel 100% confident in to recommend to others.

That I could rally a group of people around and build real weaIth around something I am super passionate about...

Health and longevity.

Truth is, I kinda did give up.

And I even eye rolled this when somebody sent it to me thinking...

"I've seen this before."

But, something rose up in my Spirit and said to take a serious look.

I'm so glad that I did.

Because today I got to scroll through a list of 135 people that we personally helped as a team get a paycheck just this week.

Plus, be part of a much larger community that is helping as many as 4,000 NEW people per day get the products they need to be healthy at serious discounts...

And creating over 5,000 NEW paychecks every single week for people in an economy that need financiaI relief in a big way.

You Can Take a Free Tour Here to See What I Finally Found.

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