Subject: 🔵 Back to slavery so soon?

That didn't take very long. How many more times are you going to do this before you make a change.

Hi Friend...

Independence day was Monday here in the U.S.

Tuesday was head back to slavery day.

The same as every year, people pretend to be free for a day or two, and then zombie walk right back into the slave existence.

I know that's how it felt to me anyway.

Truth is, it took me getting let go from my job 3 weeks before Christmas to actually leave.

So, I get how hard it can feel to do.

But, even if you're scared to leave, if you have any ounce of freedom left in you...

I urge you to stand up and fight for it.

Start at least planning your escape.

I was pushed out of the job world over 17 years ago in 2004, and I've never gone back.

What's better.

Is that life has been better.

More money.

More time.

More freedom to do what I want with who I want.

Sure, it felt scary for a bit while I was figuring it all out.

But not nearly as scary as the thought of being a slave to somebody else for the rest of my life.

If you want to be free, let us help you here.

There is an entire community of Freedom Crusaders waiting to fight WITH you.

OH... and here is a YouTube Short I did (less than 1 minute) about why I want to help you get free for life.

Not just for a day or two.

Click Play Below...

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  If you didn't notice, you can now connect with me on:

YouTube: @calledfree

Facebook: @nickbramble

Instagram: @realnickbramble

Twitter: @realnickbramble

Catch up with me on any or all platforms you hang out on.

And no, I don't use the platforms to dance around like a clown and post silly videos that waste your time.

I've constantly adding lots or really helpful short "value bites" to each platform that will actually help you build anything that you might be building right now.


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