Subject: 🔵 Awesome MAP News - Read this if you want MAP saIes

There are awesome and saIes producing MAP updates in this email. Read it and be in the know.

MAP UPDATES From March 21, 2014:

I love what MAP is doing.

I love even more that they are doing it in the right way and building a LONG TERM, stable affiIiate hub for us.

Some cool updates from yesterday's company Zoom:

1. DAILY PayOuts Starting Next Week.

Previously, MAP was scheduled to pay out on the 15th of each month after a 30 day hold.

This could actually result in some long wait times depending on when you got a saIe.

So, here's the changes...

The 30 day hold still exists (this is a good thing and protects the company).

As soon as the 30 day hold is over, you will get the lncome due the next day.


You get a saIe on March 22.

It will be held until April 22, and released to you on April 23rd.

So that's super cool update #1.

Here's super, duper cool update #2:

2. Lifetime Deal Extended to April 30th.

This is awesome for 2 reasons.

First, you get more time to help others get the best deal possible.

And second...

You get more time to get those massive saIes.

It's a win/win!

I continue to be impressed with what MAP is doing, and with the incredible training on the inside.

If you haven't been going through the training, log in today and get started.

Every single thing you need to be a professional affiIiate is in there.

TEAM Update:

I am looking for results stories to put together some marketing pages for you and get you more saIes.

Please see the email I sent you yesterday (March 21, 2024).

And finally, if you haven't seen it yet...

Here's a page I made for you that has an UPDATED video on it that has been converting really well for us.

What goes after the (=) sign is your MAP id.

Your MAP id is the gibberish that comes after /tdf/ in your one link at the top of your site.

Any questions, let me know.

Much more to come.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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