Subject: 🔵 Automation + A.l. = simple BlZ model

Lets face it...

You need/want another source of lncome.

Maybe you're looking for a complete escape from the J.0.B life, but how do you even start to plan that escape when you are so pressed for time?

Or, how do you find the finances to build your own business when bills are barely getting paid each month?

Or, how can you possibly learn to do all that's needed without giving up years of time and struggle and failure?

It's daunting, I know.

It took me years of struggle and falling 5Ok into debt to even make my first doIIar online.

The bad new is...

(Wait... stay excited, the good news is below too, so hang in there)

But, the bad news is that to be able to have a stable, long term, highly profitabIe business you have to have great products...

And saIes funnels.

And convincing ad copy.

And social presence.

And email follow up.

And valuable content in the marketplace that makes people trust you enough to spend their hard earned doIIars with you.

And customer service.

And product delivery.

And merchant accounts.

And dozens more things that would take up an entire email.

The truth is, you probably not only don't know how to do most of that stuff...

Even if you did, you don't have the time!

Now For The Incredibly GOOD News!

The days of the "hustle and grind" and take years of time and tens of thousands of dollars to build your own business are over because of two MASSIVE trends in business.

The first trend...

The Partnership Model

So, instead of building, and babysitting all of the stuff mentioned above and more...

Companies all over the world are willing to do ALL of that for you and give you a percentage of their already highly profitabIe businesses for doing nothing more than recommending them.

The companies handle all of the hard, techy, time consuming, and expensive stuff for you and your only job is to recommend them.

When you create customers for them, you get a percentage.

It's like stepping into a multi-miIIion dollar business from day one and all you have to do it tell people about it!

So now, its literally this simple to have your own highly profitabIe business...

1. Find a profitabIe company, or companies that you align with and love what they are doing that have partner programs

2. Build lists of people who are already looking for what the company is offering

3. Use email and social presence to send the people on your list to offers that they'd love and let these done for you offers and sales processes create saIes for you.

So really, the only two skills you need now are building a list.

Then, providing valuable content to that list that recommends the offers you picked.

And I know what you're asking now...

How do I build a list?

Then, once I do, what the heck do I put in front of them?

If you want, I'll make the answer to question #1 simple for you and show you how to be in front of endless numbers of people looking for what you have in 24 hours of less.

I show you that here.

To answer the second question, I make it even more simple for you and show you how you can...

Have the world's smartest robots write all of your emails, social posts, headlines, ad copy, and content FOR YOU in seconds.

You can do that by taking advantage of the second massive trend in business...

ArtificiaI lnteIIigence

No matter what you think about A.l., it's here to stay and it's only getting better for those that take advantage of it.

It is so amazing that it can write emails, social posts, ads, blog posts, book chapters and even whole books FOR YOU in seconds by just asking it a simple question.

So, for example if you had a health shake that you were offering, you can ask A.l. to...

"Write me a social post about a weight loss drink that helps you lose 10 pounds in 30 days."

And it will come up with amazing content for you.

And the content is 1OO% unique, non plagiarized content as if YOU wrote it.

If you wanted to write an email...

You can have A.l. give you amazing subject lines...

AND write the content of the email for you...

AND give you amazing calls to action that make people what to click on your Iinks.

So, now, taking advantage of these two major trends, you can literally build a business in a few minutes per day.

Find amazing done for you offers that do all of the hard, techy, time consuming, expensive stuff for you and pay you incredible commissions.

And Your Only 2 Daily Activities Become...

1. Build a list of people who already are looking for those offers using the simple strategies here.

2. Use A.l. to help you write you amazing content that makes people want to buy anything you recommend.

It's so simple to build a business now a days if you just take advantage of all of the automations and done for you stuff that's available.

For me, this email is my entire "work" day and I am plugged into a business that sends me 8O% every time I create a customer for them.

If all of this sounds fascinating to you, and you'd love to create an amazing lncome showing others like you how to start simple businesses they love in minutes...

This 1OO% free offer might be for you.

Even if it's not, just know this...

No matter what you interests are, there are companies out there right now who WANT to do all of the hard, techy, time consuming and expensive work for you.

And still, they will pay you for doing the simple stuff.

I did an entire course on that called The Freedom LaunchPad and you can get that here free if you want it.

Thanks for giving me some time today, Friend, and let this sink in just a little...

In the time it took you to ready this email, you could have done your two steps and produced an entirely new lncome stream for yourself.

We are living in such an amazing time for sure.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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