Subject: 🔵 Are you kidding me? Another Freakin' White Elephant!!!

Holiday stress, it's brutal. Am I right? You're only having it because you're a pretty awesome person.

Seriously... We Can't Possibly Have Another White Elephant Gift to Buy!!!

"And why is Aunt Betty even coming this year?

There's another $30 bucks down the drain!"

Holiday stress.

Are you feeling it?

Listen, I get it.

As a guy who used to take bottles back to get a pizza on Friday night...

And who found himself 3 weeks from foreclosure at one point...

I know how it's easy and normal to think that 💲 is hard to come by.

And that these extra expenses are sitting on you like a big bag of ol' Saint Nick Black Coal.

But, here are 2 things I know.

The first, is because I was in your shoes 17 years ago before I figured this out...

And all the extra gifts stressed me out like crazy too!

But, like you, I was only stressed because I actually LIKED giving to people.

I actually WANTED to give to as many people as possible.

Back then, it just meant that I was either going to drain my bank to $0...

Max out a credit card or two.

Or both!

And the second thing is this...

Right now, you probably think 💲 is hard to come by.

That you'll have to slave for the next 12 months, just like last year, just to pay off Christmas!

But, let me tell you the TRUTH about how EASY it is to come by more 💲 when you know how to do it.

A couple of days ago, I sent an email out on the December the 20th.

By the 21st, I had an extra 💲434!

Literally, all I did was type a 5 minute email recommending something I thought was cool.

So, in 5 Minutes I Generated 💲434 Out of Thin Air!

And no, I don't expect you'll believe me, nor am I offended if you don't...

So feel free to check out the image below for PROOF!

But, what I want you to think about is how simple that was.

All I did was send an email, recommending something I truly thought was really cool and valuable.

YOU actually already do this all the time.

Think about it...

Have you ever loved a certain food and recommended it to a friend?

Or, saw a movie and said "you've gotta go see this!"

Or, read a book that you mentioned they should read?

Or, watched a video, or a podcast that you thought was must see or listen so you told people about it?

Or, bought an awesome tool that made your life easier?

Etc., Etc., Etc.

Yes, You Already do That All The Time!

But, You're Not Getting Paid to do it Even Though You Could be!

Because that's all I do.

I build a group of friends online who like the same stuff I do...

And I tell them about cool stuff when I find it.

That's it!

And This Simple and Unique 30 Minute Workday Formula Has Kept Me Stress Free at Christmas For 17 Years Now!

Anyway, I give away my entire step by step process here if you want it.

No opt ins, or anything required.

You can just have it.

All I ask is that if you have questions, you contact me so I can help you.

And it's totally a bonus if you think it's cool and you want to recommend it to people.

Just contact me first, because I'll show you how you can actually get a 💲120 raise per day giving it away.

That's all for now.

Here's to a lifetime of stress free Christmas holiday celebrations from this year to forever!

Where you can give without limits, or stress, or worry.

And truly enjoy the spirit of giving that cool people like us love.


"Called Free, to Be More!"

P.S.  Join The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.


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