Subject: 🔵 Are you f.ree?

The best way to honor f.reedom is to be maximize what's been given to you.

Today, we're celebrating and honoring those who have put their time and lives on the line...

And even given their lives to help us enjoy a great deal of f.reedom here in the U.S.

As I consider how to really honor something of that magnitude, the only thing I can rationalize in my own mind is actually maximizing the gift given to me.

Using it completely.

Getting as much as I can out of it.

Sharing it with others.

And even creating more of it, so the gift given to me can exponentially expand.

So, for me...

I am maximizing it by spending zero time in the wake, work, eat, sleep zombie existence of the slave farms.

If you love thejob life, cool.

Honor your ability to choose it by being the best at it.

But for me, I loathed thejob life.

So, staying there like somebody put their life on the line so I could choose to actually do what I wanted with my life...

And I took that gift and threw it in the garbage right in front of them.

To me, giving thanks, and showing honor is a lot like showing love.

It's an action.

Appreciating something at the highest level, to me...

Is using it.

So, I honor those who made today possible by working to actually be and stay f.ree.

And using my own f.reedom to help set others f.ree.

If you want to partner with me and my community of F.reedom Builders to maximize the gift given to you...

I invite you to see if our community is right for you here.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it."

P.S.  You can be playing with family, or doing whatever you love and create lncome.

We can help you get f.ree too.

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