Subject: 🔵 Are we dumb, broke, and helpless?

There's this popular belief that Christians are...



And offer little to no help outside of "thoughts and prayers" when tragedy strikes, or stuff really gets rough.

Since many think Christians are dumb, our thoughts don't really matter a whole lot anyway.

And to non-believers, prayers offer no real help.

So, those words often cause a lot of eye rolling, and even anger.

To be honest, even as a Christian man, I get it.

I used to think the same thing when I pretty much hated Christians for some of the same reasons.

And even now, from the "inside," I see a why people who don't believe in Jesus largely think those that do are Dumb...


And helpless outside of "thoughts and prayers."

Because I don't always see an overwhelming number of Christians LIVING and ACTING in the truth that we are...

Created in the image of God.

With the mind of Christ.

Heirs to the kingdom, and having the power to create great weaIth.

Serving a God who wants to give us every place we're willing to place your foot.

We're everything but dumb, and broke.

And because of that...

We should be showing up everywhere in the world with our weaIth, and talent, and skills, and taking so much ACTION that there's no doubt who we really are.

People should be saying...

"I'm not sure I believe in this Jesus stuff, but man...

Those Christians are the most intelligent, most funded, most resourceful, and most impactful people on the planet.

They think great thoughts. They build massive weaIth through service, value, and love.

And they show love by actually showing up in times of need."

So, as Jesus keeps ruining my old self, I find myself feeling a personal call to make sure that...

1. As Christians we KNOW who we are, and what we have the ability and the God given backing to do.

2. That we take these beliefs and we become great things in order to live up to that truth.

3. And that we use our skills, intelligence, weaIth, time, and love to SHOW UP and serve the world at the highest level.

If you want to "think and pray" WHILE you're helping the world in a way they actually feel helped and loved...

Awesome, because then people can actually SEE Jesus working through you.

You are a child of God, created in His image.

You have the mind of Christ.

You are heirs to the kingdom, and having the power to create great weaIth.

You are serving a God who wants to give us every place we're willing to place your foot.

If you believe that, I'd love to connect more.

All of my info is below. 

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

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