Subject: 🔵 Ahhhh... Secrets of Success got better

Russell is hosting a birthday party for Napoleon Hill at 6pm EST...


Plus, SOS just got even better.

I'll update you more on that, but all I've gotta say is...

If you're an affiliate and not in as a member yet... get in ASAP!

When you do, Russell will be closing for you next week.

Plus, you'll literally get access to 3 more lost works that even Russell didn't know existed until last week.

See the P.P.S. for details on getting in if you're not in yet.

I'm doing a video update for all of you, but wanted to make sure you knew bout the party tonight at 6pm EST.

Russell should be sending an email invite as well.

I'd love to set up a Telegram group so I can send you instant updates.

Hit me up here and I will put a group together.

Nick Bramble

Don't Forget to Get in Below and contact me when you do...

P.S. The affiliate back office has been down today as the software they are using is having to do a massive update.

If you haven't been able to log in, they are working on it.

P.P.S. Did you grab your f.ree books and bonuses from Russell yet?

Grab it here today before they run out of books and you have to wait...

1.  Go here

2.  Use this email when grabbing the offer:

3.  Email me ASAP and let me know you grabbed it and I will send you a treasure trove of bonuses.

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