Subject: 🔵 Add 5 - 7 healthy years to your life

Ok, wait a minute...

I build freedom businesses, so why do I care about adding 5 - 7 healthy years to your life?

Well, because I believe that God has called us free in order to serve and positively impact others.

And if I can help you add more healthy years to your life, you and I together can reach more people, help more people, and have much greater impact on the world.

Here's part of the secret to a longer, healthier life...


Over and over again, it's been shown that people who are a part of positive, uplifting communities like this where you build close relationships, is one of the main factors in increasing not just lifespan (living longer)...

But more importantly...

HEALTHspan (the number of years you live in good health).

Because it's not just about living longer, it's about living longer in a healthy, vibrant state.

And here's the one thing that community helps give you that all by itself gives you an extra 5 - 7 years of healthy life on average...


Those that live a life where they feel they have purpose are healthier, have less stress, usually have more positive impact on the world...

And in general have what they consider to be happier lives.

Pretty cool, right?

So, purpose all by itself gives you an extra 5 - 7 years, but add community to that...

And it's like the double whammy of longer, healthier life.

Over and over again I am finding that what I love the most about what I do is building communities of heart centered, people centered, servant minded, purpose driven people.

Maybe that's just my Spirit guiding me to a longer, happier, healthy life.

Whatever it is, I love it.

The communities I am part of get me out of bed with great energy.

They drive me to be more.

They push me to pursue my purpose in life.

They lift me when I need to be lifted.

Help me when I need help.

And they give me tremendous joy on a daily basis.

If you feel like you've been missing a helpful, exciting community.

If you want a place to feel welcome, and helped, and loved.

Or if you just want to live a longer, healthier, happier life.

I'd encourage you to stop looking for opportunity on it's own, but instead look for amazing communities like this.

Because here's another secret...

Communities are also the secret ingredient to a LONG TERM, highly successfuI freedom business that can serve you, your family, and all of those you care about for life.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S. Below is another personal experience from the community we are building here.

This is just one of TWO amazing communities that I can plug you into.

They've both been an incredible blessing to me and lots of others, and if you need community...

You'll have two of the best I've ever known available to you if you ever decide that you want to partner with me.

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