Subject: 🔵 A.I. makes life harder

Here's a simple way to do it better (plus maximize A.I. if you want to)

That's not a popular opinion, but hear me out.

Copy is easy.

Most use A.I. for copy and content.

Now, there are a gazillion better uses for A.I., but that's another email.

But, here's why if you need it for copy, you're already screwed.

Copy is nothing more than knowing who you are speaking to.

Knowing the result they want.

Knowing how they want to get it (and how they don't).

And knowing why they want it.

Take my headline formula for example.

A lot of people struggle with the perfect headline, but you never will again.

Here it is:

How to [Get Specific Result] Without [Stuff They Don't Want] So You Can [Reason Why They Want it].

Let's take a summer weight loss example for women, since we're in "summer bod" season.

The headline that could be:

How to get your bikini body back in the next 10 days, without a fad diet or starving yourself...

So you can rock that new bikini and feel sexy and confident at the beach all summer.

So, here's the breakdown.

The Specific Who: Women looking to wear a bikini at the beach.

The Result: Getting into bikini body shape quickly

What They Don't Want: Fad diets that take away their favorite foods

Their Why: They want to feel sexy and confident at the beach.

Now, if you know all of those things about your ideal customer, A.I. is awesome and you could actually plug that formula into it.

But, it can't write you anything if you don't know your market at a deep level.

Drop me an email and let me know how you're going to use that formula to speak to your perfect audience today.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it."

P.S.  If you want to get the formula for creating maximum lncome in minimum time.

Without all of the hard, techy, time consuming, expensive stuff like building websites and developing products...

So you can spend most of your time with those you love the most.

Doing the things and serving the people and communities you love the most.

From anywhere in the world you want to be.

This less than 2 hour a day mostly D4U b.usiness is probably for you.

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