Subject: 🔵 500 mouths to feed? 😲 (no problem!)

Inside is a look into the most amazingly awesome award I have ever received in my entire life

I just received notice that I am getting the most humbling.

Most amazing.

Most impactful award I have ever received in my entire life!

Check it out below...

This is the email I got from my friends Mike and Paul...

The same ones that I'm helping build the world's first and only $25 All in One business.

Here's what totally unique and awesome about Mike and Paul.

Most companies make a big deal about people's "individual" results.

Which is cool because you can't help others if you don't have the means to.

But, Mike and Paul know that a person's individual results only matter if they at some point impact others.

Help others.

Serve others.

And contribute to a better, more positive world for all of us.

They know that the real sign of success, is...


So, not only do they contribute a portion of every single sale made within the company to feed starving children around the world.

But, they reward you not for "getting" personal results...

But for what that means in terms of what you're GIVING to others in need.

Which touches my heart and impacts me at the highest level possible.

My mission to set you free is one that I fully believe was a God given one.

In a time of indecision, I asked God what my real purpose was, and what He revealed to me was Galatians 5:13.

Which says that we are called to be free, not so we can be self serving...

But, so we can serve others.

It's why my mission is to allow you to:

Live Free

So you can...

Be More.

Be more for the people you love the most.

Be more for the communities you feel called to serve.

Be more for the causes that speak to your heart.

I am so grateful to be a part of a not just a business.

Not just tools.

Not just training.

But, and entire community of CONTRIBUTION focused people.

That are in total alignment with what I believe is my God breathed purpose.

To date, as a community, we have provided over 90,000 days of meals to starving children around the world.

I am so excited to see how much more we'll do together.

If you want to not just live free...

But, live free so you can Be More, please reach out to me directly by replying to this email.

Or, Apply For Access to The Community Here.

Have an amazing day!


P.S.  Join The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.


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