Subject: 🔵 4OO DoIIars a day NOT working?

Truth is, I generally see more lncome NOT working than most who do work

I made a firm commitment to myself as I was finishing up last year, that I was going back to my 30 Minute Workday roots.

I decided I wanted to once again have more fun...

Work way less.

Make way more.

And because I went back to a more systematic way to creating lncome...

Stuff like this has been happening like crazy...

Ahhh... just like old times again.

I'm loving it.

Cool thing about that 4OO doIIars...

It came to me while I was chilling out watching Chef Ramsey.

Which I watch a lot of and then proceed to NEVER cook anything which baffles my wife.

One day I'll surprise her.

One day.

My point is this...

Nearly all of my lncome comes to me when I am NOT working.

In fact, even that 400 doIIars is more than most make when they trade 8 or 10 hours of their time in a day.

But, that's only 1 of the 4 ways I had lncome come to me yesterday from just this one incredible systematic affiIiate dream system.

So, ask yourself this...

Even if it's just the 400, how many hours of your life do you have to trade to make it?

And if you have to trade that much time every time you want another 400...

How much f.reedom can you really expect out of your life?

For many the answer is "Not Much."

For most, the answer is actually "NONE."

God has more for you than the wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat existence that you're zombie walking through.

And you know it.

Like it used to eat at me...

It probably eats at you too.

What I do isn't difficult.

In fact, my daughter finally asked me to show her what I do.

And this week, she got her first affiIiate saIe in less than 7 hours.

There's more to show her, but not much.

This is much more simple than the "guru" wants you to believe.

In fact, I'll give you the secrets right now.

All of them.

1. Build a list with PAlD traffic and ads.

2. Send them to high converting residuaI based offers like this.

3. Follow up with emails and/or content in the marketplace.

Takes me about 30 minutes a day, tops.

Because truth is, almost nobody wants long emails or content that takes more than 5 minutes to consume.

You might be struggling to finish this email even.

But, spend those 5 minute regularly being cool to people.

And you'll be a rockstar legend in the industry.

And I've been f.ree to do what I want for 20 years now doing those 3 simple daily actions.

The weirdest thing...

The more I commit to doing less, and letting the awesome systems and automations do more...

The more I seem to make.

So, why fight it?

The easier path is waiting for you here if you want it.

Nick Bramble

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