Subject: 🔵 3 hours left (99.98% off details)

Just kidding on the 3 hours left, Friend.

Here's how to get $12,253 worth of stuff for just $25 bucks. (that's 99.98% off!)

If you've been paying attention to me, you know that I am not a fan of the dreaded timer.

I'd rather just give you the most awesome deal every single day of the year, and you can get started with me because you want to.

Not because you're afraid to miss out.

Truthfully, if I have to fear monger you into getting started, you're not ready anyway.

I prefer that the urgency you feel is out of an insane desire to want to have more, do more, be more, and give more.

That you have an almost maddening calling inside your head and heart to get the tools, skills, resources, and help you need to create the freedom you need...

To serve the people, causes, and communities that God put in your heart.

The deal is here every day of the year.

Instead of sweating a timer and frantically pulling your credit card out to buy...

You can instead calmly get it right now (or when you decide) with excitement, and passion, and joy, and peace.

Knowing that when you make the clear headed commitment to get the skills, ,tools, and resources that are here for you...

That the life God put into your heart is yours for the having.

I'm super excited at the possibility of helping you, Friend!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

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