Subject: 🔵 2024 is for big boys and girls

Happy new year, Friend!

But, is it really going to be a "new" year...

Or, just the same year lived for the umpteenth time?

Is it going to be a year filled with new adventures.

New weaIth.

New f.reedom.

New contributions to the world.

Or, just that same year you've existed in ever since you can remember.

Sadly, for most... there will be nothing "new" about 2024.

Just more of the same.

If you want to change that.

It you want to build a REAL b.usiness.

Not some some silly little thing, but a real b.usiness like the big boys and girls.

One that builds real weaIth.

And what is weaIth?

To me, it's building a b.usiness that produces massive lncome in a way that also produces an adundance of time and f.reedom.

To me, the equation is...

WeaIth = Time + lncome + F.reedom

It's having the ability to do what you love in any moment.

With who you love the most.

While having the time, talent, and treasure to serve the people, communities, and causes that God puts into your heart at ANY moment.

What I do in 2024 isn't for those who want to just get by.

Or, to get yourself out.

Sure, you might have to do that first.

But, what's brewing for 2024 is about unlocking your own creativity again to build something massive.

It's about having the time and f.reedom to connect more with those you love.

About connecting to the dreams and desires in your heart, and living those dreams out.

And connecting with God who has a real purpose for you here.

And it's about using your time, talents, and treasures that you build...

To serve whatever and whoever God lays on your heart.

If my version of real weaIth calls out to you, and you want more of it and 2024 and for the rest of your life here...

Be sure that you are on my special F.reedom Builder's list here.

It's not for everyone.

Although I will make sure that you have every single thing you need to thrive...

It's probably the hardest you'll ever work for your dreams.

Because dreams don't just happen.

You build them.

Futures just don't get better.

You create them.

Just like in the parable that Jesus told about the King who gave much to 3 different people.

If you work to increase what's given to you like 2 of the 3 did, you'll be rewarded with a future of much, much more.

But, if you just take whats given to you and you don't work to increase it, you'll end up with nothing.

Your dreams, and the purpose God has for you is waiting, Friend.

They've always been there.

If you're ready to have them, here's a good place to start.

Welcome to the revolution F.reedom Builder!

Nick Bramble

P.S. If you're already on that list, and you want to connect more right now, shoot me a quick email reply and I'll let you know how we can connect right now.

Reach out, and let's move faster.

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