Subject: 🔵 100k giving away free book (Rob's Story)

The incredible true story of how Rob made 100k in 30 minutes per day giving away a free book

Good morning Friend!

Just wanted to show you a really cool example of somebody using The 30 Minute Workday Escape Plan book to create a full time income, VERY part time.

The one that I gave to you for free here.

Make sure images are turned on.

Then check out what Rob had to say about my book....

Now, that had me feeling pretty awesome this morning when I saw it.

But then, Rob dropped this image on me....

Is that awesome... or is that fantastic?!?

I am beaming!

It means that the struggle and pain that I went through to learn what I put into the book was worth it.

Because it's allowing others, like you, to get amazing results much more quickly.

Without the struggle.

Rob Created 100k

In less than 1 hour per day.

And to top it off, a 5k MONTHLY residual continues to come in each month for Rob.

Just because he followed the steps in my book here.

To be honest, when I first wrote it I wasn't planning on giving it away for free.

After all, I struggled for years trying to learn the formula that's in it.

I went nearly 50k in debt spending money on courses and training, and failed traffic strategies.

And even after I was starting to make it work...

I had to spend another $15k to spend a single day with an amazing man who helped me to perfect the formula that you see now.

The formula that Rob used.

And the one that has allowed me to be free for nearly 2 decades now.

But, luckily for you when I first wrote the book, I sent it to a trusted friend.

And he said...

You MUST Give This Book Away For Free Because Everyone Needs to Read it!

And so I just give it away freely here every single day.

And over 100,000 downloads later...

I'm so glad that I listened to my friend.

It's helping people like Rob all over the world create wealth more quickly, more simply, and in a way that allows people to do what they love.

This is why I wanted to take a minute to share Rob's HUGE win with you today.

My hope is that you'll do what Rob did and grab the free book.

Read it this weekend (Rob read the book the first weekend he got it!)

Then use what's in it to transform your life too.

And when you do... please let me know.

Because your story may be the story that gets somebody else to read the book.

Like Rob's story got you to read it this weekend.

And together, we can positively change people's lives all over the world one 30 Minute Workday book at a time.

Enjoy your reading this weekend, Friend!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


P.S. Rob actually created that 100k and 5k in residuals giving away free copies of my book.

You can check out how to do that as you download the book here.


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