6 articles • 33 days to Dec20 • 113 days to Feb21 • 204 days to May21 |
There's one month left to Dec20. For the candidates left standing, the articles below will guide you on how to prepare in your last month before showtime.
Reminders this week: tomorrow (3rd Nov) is the early reg deadline for May21, and online scheduling opens for the Aug21 exams on the same day
Read, and comment. If you have any questions, reply and let me know. Zee Tan, 300Hours |
Zee Tan • Guides |
What should you be doing in the last month of CFA exam prep? Here's an 8-point checklist to go through. |
Cover all your bases ➔ |
Kaplan Schweser • Prep Providers |
Helping CFA candidates become charterholders, with a 97% recommendation rate. |
No gimmicks, just results ➔ |
UWorld • Prep Providers |
3H readers can get UWorld's launch product, just like that. You're welcome. |
Activate it here ➔ |
Corporate Finance Institute • Other Qualifications |
Full access to 18 courses and certificates. Gain a competitive edge in commercial banking with advanced knowledge, real-world analysis skills, and career confidence. |
Special rate with CFIPARTNER10 ➔ |
Zee Tan • Analysis |
Which would be better - Dec20 or a 2021 computer-based exam? Here are all the facts, analyses, and our recommendation. |
To postpone, or not to postpone ➔ |
Instagram • @300hourscfa • 774 likes • 9 comments |
At work, "USD/EUR" usually means Euros per USD = USD is the base currency. So a quote of 0.762 USD/EUR means that each USD costs EUR0.762.
In the CFA curriculum, this would be "EUR/USD". So a quote of 1.3123 USD/EUR means that each EUR costs USD1.3123.
#whyjustwhy |
See the full post ➔ |
Twitter • @300hours • 7 likes • 3 retweets |
"Oh no," said Hermione Granger, immediately after Dumbledore cancelled school exams in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Never thought we'd take Hermione's side on this. #cfaexam #cfadec20 #2020istheworst |
See the full tweet ➔ |