Salt Solutions launches new CFA product, free Beta signup |
The AdaptPrep platform is retiring, and a brand-new CFA exam prep platform, Salt Solutions, is being launched in its place.
We have the latest details on their launch below, and you're invited to their free Beta program.
Hope this is useful for you - just let me know if you have any questions.
Zee Tan, 300Hours |
Pre-release access to their full CFA platform |
- You'll be the first to experience the Salt Solutions CFA exam platform
- The Beta is full-access, which means you'll get everything you need to pass the CFA Level 1 exam
Get on the Beta access list ➔ |
Full CFA prep content in a simple, efficient interface |
Online Manuals
- Completely created i n-house
- Cover every topic
- Continuously update d and improved
Video Lessons
- Clean, modern visuals - recorded in Salt Solutions' studios
- Concise - short, to the point, and feature rich examples
- Speed controls - adjust videos playback speed to your pace
- Closed-captioning - for clarity, accessibility and accuracy
- HD downloads - for offline viewing
- Animated step-by-step solutions - clarify concepts and maximize understanding
Practice Questions
- 1,600 assignment questions - written in-house and designed to ensure comprehension
- Track your progress and compare performance with fellow candidates
- Prescribed weekly goals to focus your studies based on your progress and exam importance
Discussion Forum
- Get full support when you have a specific question
- Easily find the discussion you want - each assignment question has its own discussion board
Supplemental Material
- Formula sheets
- Study tips
Preview the Salt Solutions CFA platform ➔ |