Boost your CFA exam performance with the right strategies |
We've been covering Salt Solutions since their launch, and they've had fantastic reviews on the quality of their CFA platform.
Their review platform, Focus, includes practice exams and review materials to the custom quiz builder for a great value price. Their platform and materials are great quality so if you're looking for something solid to push you over the passing line, this is it.
More details below, direct from Salt Solutions, including a free trial. Check them out, and let me know if you have any questions! Zee Tan, 300Hours
Our CFA® learning experience has the study materials, practice exams, and custom quiz builder you need to pass. Stay on pace with our CheckPoints scheduling tool. Direct your attention to the most urgent need through our intensive analytics. |
Start With a Free Trial ➔ |
To inspire you on your CFA exam journey, we interviewed 4 charterholders about the top 5 benefits of earning your charter. From a higher salary to immediate credibility, these finance professionals agree earning your charter has great benefits. |
Our CFA Top 5 ➔ |
There’s 180 total questions on the Level I exam. The key to passing is correctly answering as many questions as you can. That might seem obvious, but there’s a method we’ve developed to see you through. It starts with a 10-second assessment. |
Exam-Passing Strategies ➔ |
Our new tutorial video covers the basic operations of the BA II Plus calculator, as well as the Time Value of Money, Cash Flow, and Data worksheets. Getting to know your calculator now will save you time on the exam and prevent mistakes, too. |
Salt Solutions Calculator Tips ➔ |
Like all of our video lessons, these were scripted by our team and produced in our studios. They feature Mike Carmody, CFA, who is the lead instructor at Salt Solutions and brings you more than 20 years of teaching experience. |
Sample Our Videos ➔ |
Focus, our approach to review and assessment, is designed to guide you through your last month of preparation. Leverage comprehensive review materials, just-like-the-real-thing practice exams, and our custom quiz builder. 1 month of access for only $129! |
Keep Your Focus ➔ |