Salt Solutions: a comprehensive and polished CFA learning platform |
We've recently reviewed Salt Solutions - they're certainly a provider worth looking into.
The platform is buttery-smooth and easy on the eyes, and all the individual pieces fit together well to deliver a cohesive study experience. There is thorough coverage of the readings through Learn and adequate practice through Focus.
If you’re looking for a one-stop online CFA learning platform, Salt Solutions is definitely a solid option.
More details below, direct from Salt Solutions. Check them out, and let me know if you have any questions! Zee Tan, 300Hours
More than (yet another) learning tool, Salt Solutions is a CFA learning experience. We’ve carefully crafted our platform to hold your attention, keep you motivated, and empower you to learn independently. And we look beautiful doing it. |
Experience Salt Solutions ➔ |
Learn, our first phase, features exceptional content, including video lessons we produce in-house. Focus, our second phase, helps you target your weak areas and test your understanding. Learn the material, then learn how to take the exam. That’s that. |
Start Your CFA Journey ➔ |
Instead of a rigid study schedule, our CheckPoints scheduler gives you weekly goals that evolve alongside your needs. Content that’s more important to the exam is worth more CheckPoints, so you know where you’re needed. |
Explore the Platform ➔ |
From Learn to Focus, we provide you with analytics and infographics that show you (1) what you’ve accomplished and (2) how your efforts compare to other candidates. You will also see where you’re struggling and what you need to prioritize. Data’s cool, right? |
See for Yourself ➔ |
Pick a topic, any topic! Drawing on our extensive question bank, our custom quiz creator lets you choose the topic, number of questions, and grading style. Design a quiz to suit your needs, knock out knowledge gaps, and calm any nerves. |
Strengthen Your Understanding ➔ |
Not only do our questions mimic the language, tone, and sentence structure of real exam questions, we’ve also designed our testing interface to resemble Prometric, CFA Institute’s computer-based testing (CBT) provider. Get into the testing mindset. |
Register for a Free Trial ➔ |