Subject: Why reliable leaders make you feel safe?

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Why reliable leaders make you feel safe.


Everyone wants someone whom they can rely on for their success. Why is that? Because being seen as reliable makes others feel safe. Which is why if you desire to lead in your work or to eventually lead others, then you have to know why and how a reliable leader can make you feel safe.


In this video, I talk about this notion of Why reliable leaders make you feel safe, what exactly is reliability, what does it do for you, and for those around you, and why being the opposite of reliability (which is liability) is really a liability for anyone with leadership aspirations. If you want to be seen as reliable, start taking ownership and meeting expectations of others consistently.


Why reliable leaders make you feel safe: Click to Watch!

Why reliable leaders make you feel safe.

Why reliable leaders make you feel safe?

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Taking ownership helps give others that peace of mind, which serves as a foundation for you to eventually meet expectations and be seen as a reliable leader.

However, Taking ownership involves knowing what that means, acquiring the right mindset, and also speaking its language.

The video on taking ownership is below:

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